Data entry setup for handheld devices

Note: Tablet and mobile devices have replaced this technology. See Running Inspections on a Mobile Device for more information.

With a wireless connection to a terminal server

To set up your system for data entry in PDA mode:

  1. On the terminal server, set up a new icon for the SPC Data Entry module to launch the program in PDA mode. People with handheld devices should use this new icon to enter data.

  2. If serial-to-TCP/IP interfaces have been purchased to support direct input from serial devices, templates previously configured for RS-232 input must be modified for TCP/IP input.

  3. If desired, templates can be modified to behave one way in PDA mode and another way in normal mode. This feature is most commonly used to display or hide components of the Data Entry tab, depending on which mode of display is used.

This formula is one such example:

IF (PROGRAM_ID < 0), (DE_OPT 14, 65), (DE_OPT 14, 31)

To enter data off-line and synchronize later

If you are not able to run GainSeeker in PDA mode via wireless connection to your terminal server, you can use PocketForms software to collect data while your Pocket PC device is off-line and later synchronize that data with your computer and with GainSeeker. PocketForms software can be purchased from

To set up your system for off-line data entry using PocketForms software on a Pocket PC:

  1. Make sure that your system meets the following requirements:

  2. On your computer, use the PocketForms software to create the desired form, using the following guidelines:

  3. On your computer, use the PocketForms software to distribute this form to the Pocket PC.

  4. On the Pocket PC, use this form to collect data.

  5. Synchronize the Pocket PC with your computer.

  6. On your computer, run an SPC Data Entry template (see example) that first uses the POCKETFORM command to convert the PocketForms file to XML format, and then uses XML and Record Buffer commands to process this XML file. Each PocketForms file can contain one SPC data record and/or one DMS data record.