Syntax |
Example |
Description/Remarks |
EXCEL_SETCOLW first_column, last_column, column_width |
This formula sets columns 1-3 to a width of 15.
See also: Creating a file in Microsoft Excel format. |
This command sets the approximate width of a range of columns in the new file created by the EXCEL_CREATE command. Columns are counted 1, 2, 3, etc., and correspond to Microsoft Excel columns A, B, C, etc. A valid column_width is any number from 0 to 255. This width represents the approximate number of characters that can be displayed in a cell that is formatted with the standard font for Excel worksheets. By default, columns 1-100 are set to a width of 12. Note: If using an existing Excel worksheet to determine approximate column_width values, best results are achieved by adding 2 to the actual width of the column and then setting the column_width to this number. |