


INP_TAB x_location, y_location, "text", "optional_title"

INP_TAB 100,100, (CONCAT "Enter the following now:", chr(13),chr(9),"Diameter",chr(13),chr(9), "Width"),"Operator"

This example will display a message formatted the following way:

Enter the following now:



The message would be displayed 100 pixels down from the top and 100 pixels in from the left.  The caption of the input box would say "Operator"

Displays a window that prompts the user to type a value. This command is the same as the INPUT command except it lets you choose the placement of the input window.  It also allows special formatting characters in the string such as TAB (ASCII 9) to position text and Carriage Returns (ASCII 13) to move to the next line.

x_location and y_location are in pixels. The values for x are 0-640 or 0-1024 (depending on your video driver). The values for y are 0-480 or 0-768.

If the locations you provide cause the dialog to be displayed too far off the screen, the software will correct the position and display in upper left corner.

To set the font for this window, use DE_OPT 26 before executing the INPUT command.


Using the Input window on multiple monitors

If you run GainSeeker on a computer with more than one monitor, it is recommended that you launch and run the SPC Data Entry module on your primary monitor when using the Input window: