Template Wizard Step 3

Number of Charts displayed at one time

Your data entry operators can view charts of their historical data as they input new data. You can choose how you want them to view these charts.

To decide how many charts to display on the data entry screen at one time, consider three issues:

Viewing all the charts for all of the rows at the same time

If the number of charts to be displayed at one time is equal to (or greater than) the number of rows in your template, the operator will see the charts for all of the rows in the template, all at the same time. Please note that if you change your Windows display settings to a higher display resolution, more charts can fit on the screen and still be legible.

Here are some examples:

The maximum number of charts across or charts down is 20. The maximum number of charts that can be displayed at the same time (charts across multiplied by charts down) is 99.

1 across, 1 down

2 across, 1 down

3 across, 1 down

2 across, 2 down

3 across, 2 down

4 across, 2 down

3 across, 3 down

Viewing a few of the charts at a time

If your template contains more rows than you can legibly display on the screen at the same time, or if you just want to display the chart for the row on which the operator is entering data, set the number of charts based on what looks good on the screen. Then when your operator enters data for each row, the template will automatically update which charts are displayed.

Automatically updating which rows are charted in Data Entry

This is probably best explained by example.

If your template contains 9 rows, but you prefer to display no more than 3 charts at one time, then you set the chart display to 3 across and 1 down.

During data entry, when your operator is entering data for rows 1, 2 and 3, the charts for rows 1-3 are displayed.

When your operator moves to row 4, the program updates the chart area to display charts for rows 4, 5 and 6.

Again, when your operator moves to row 7, the program updates the chart area to display charts for rows 7, 8 and 9.

And if your operator returns to row 1, the program updates the chart area to display charts for rows 1, 2 and 3.

Note: In the example above, the chart area will change only when the active row changes to 1, 4, or 7. If you use the advanced settings on step 5 to move the operator from row 3 to row 5, without moving first to a cell in row 4, the chart area will not be updated with the charts for rows 4-6. The chart area changes to reflect a different set of charts only when the template moves to specific row numbers – in this case, rows 4, 7 and 9.




If you want to modify when the charts are updated to reflect different rows, or which rows are displayed when the chart area is updated, select the Use advanced settings check box.

Template Wizard step 3, advanced settings

Use the advanced settings to specify when the chart area will be updated, and which charts will be displayed with each update.

Note:To improve template speed, select only a few rows for the Change charts at list. Each time the template moves to a row in this list, it retrieves data, calculates statistics, and generates a chart for each row listed in the When at row # show charts for list.



You may want to set different numbers of charts to be displayed at different rows if you want to chart certain characteristics at the same time. Take the example of a template with 7 rows, when the screen looks best with 4 or fewer charts. In this case, you could change charts at row 1 to display 2 charts across and 2 charts down, and then change charts at row 4 to display 3 charts across and 1 down.

The maximum number of charts across or charts down is 20. The maximum number of charts that can be displayed at the same time (charts across multiplied by charts down) is 99.

For example, on an 8-row template that displays charts for 4 rows at a time, you could set it up to update the chart area to display the next 4 rows, every time your template moves to an odd-numbered row. Click here to see the advanced settings screen set up in this way.

To continue with the example above, if you want to display charts for rows 7, 8, 1 and 2 (in that order) when you change to row 7, you can use the and buttons to move rows 7 and 8 from this position in the list to this position.

Sample advanced settings for chart display

Incorrect position

Correct position