Selecting a standard for a Template, Planned session or Stored session

Depending on how it has been configured, the template , planned session or stored session may prompt you to choose a standard by displaying a message similar to the following examples:

Prompt where standard has not yet been entered for this row.

Prompt where standard has been entered once for this row.

From this prompt, you can display the list of standards by clicking the button or by pressing one of the following keys on the keyboard:

It is also possible that your template , planned session or stored session has been configured to automatically display the list of standards.

Tip:  A very large list of standards can be slow to display.  For information on speeding up this process, see Managing many standards .

All of these methods will display a list of standards similar to the following examples:

The normal Select Part Number screen.

Select Part Number screen in PDA mode
at 240 by 320 pixels.

Click the name of the standard for which you are entering data, and then click OK. For help working with the list of standards, see Finding and selecting SPC standards.

Tip: If you consistently use some of the same standards with a particular template, you can make your data entry process more efficient by creating a planned session or stored session to pre-fill the template with these values.