Include on charts and data lists only

When the Bypass for a subgroup is set to Include on charts and data lists only, the subgroup will not be included in any of the statistical calculations for values such as Total Subgroups, Cpk, etc. However, additional statistics provide information on the subgroups that were bypassed in a retrieval:

  • Bypassed pieces

  • Bypassed subgroups

  • Total subgroups not bypassed

  • Total pieces not bypassed

  • Maximum sub x not bypassed

  • Minimum sub x not bypassed

  • Maximum sub range not bypassed

  • Minimum sub range not bypassed

  • Maximum ind x not bypassed

  • Minimum ind x not bypassed

  • Maximum ind range not bypassed

  • Minimum ind range not bypassed

See Statistics identification code numbers for a full list of the statistics available.

To better understand the difference between bypassing a data point and excluding statistical outliers, consider the following example:

A retrieval set to exclude outliers retrieves 40 subgroups, one of which is an outlier and one of which is bypassed. The resulting statistics will include:




Total subgroups



Bypassed subgroups



Total subgroups
not bypassed


40 minus 1 bypassed
Cpk calculation is based on these subgroups

Excluded subgroups



Good subgroups


40 minus (1 bypassed + 1 statistical outlier)