When the timer is running

When a timer is used to launch your data entry session, it can be displayed in several different ways:

On the status bar

The timer may be displayed on the program status bar at the bottom of the screen.

Minimized timer window

A minimized timer window may be displayed on your screen.

To maximize the timer window, click the button.

See below for details on interacting with the full-size timer window.

Full-size timer window

A full-size timer window may be displayed on your screen.

One or more of the following buttons may be available on your timer window:

When you click Resume, the timer countdown continues and the button changes back to Pause.

When you click this button to launch the new data entry session before the timer has finished counting down, the program may ask if you want for the timer to skip the data entry session scheduled for the end of this timed period.




Interrupting the current data entry session

Cancelling the timer