F-Test and t-Test

Discrete Traceability

For each group:

m = Mean

v = Variance

n = Number of items


Use the maximum and minimum means for all groups in the following equation:

t = (m1 - m2) / (v1/n1 + v2/n2)1/2

We use a risk level of .05 to determine if the difference between the groups is significant.


Use the maximum and minimum variances for all groups in the following equation:

F = v1/v2  (where v1 is greater than v2)

We use a risk level of .05 to determine if the difference between the groups is significant.

Continuous Traceability

Calculate correlation coefficient for X = subgroup average and Y = numeric traceability value

Correlation coefficient = 0 means no significant variation attributed to the traceability

Correlation coefficient = 1 or –1 means that changes in traceability are significant for X

For more information on calculating the correlation coefficient, see Calculating Correlation and Regression.