Finding and selecting DMS standards

This topic provides information about finding and selecting DMS standards using the Select Part Number dialog. For information about what differentiates a standard from a part number, see Standards and Part Numbers


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See Accessing the Select Part number dialog.

Finding a standard in the list

Changing the sort order and scrolling through standards


Do this:

Scroll through the list of standards

  • Click the scroll bar
    - or -

  • Click one item in the list and then press the down arrow key
    - or -

  • Click one item in the list and then type the first letter of the name of the standard

Change the sort order of the list of standards

Click the Part Number or Process buttons at the top of the list

Using the Search button

Use the Search button to located a part number in a long list.

GainSeeker displays list items that contain your search criteria.

Restoring the full list of standards

To restore the full list of standards after you perform a search, delete any characters you entered in the Part Number begins with text box and then click Search.

More search tips

For example, to find all the standards that contain 34, enter %34 in the Part Number begins with text box. To find all standards that begin with D and that contain Length, enter D%Length in the Part Number begins with text box.

For example, to find standards:

D-34KW X-dimension, D-34KW Y-dimension, and D-34KW Z-dimension, enter D-34KW _-dimension in the Part Number begins with text box.