Configuring email settings for GainSeeker

Note: This topic applies to legacy modules such as SPC Data Entry, SPC Charts and Reports, DMS Charts and Reports, and Enterprise Dashboard. For current modules such as GainSeeker Charts, PC Collect, GSConsole, and Dynamic Reports, see Email send method, server, TCP port, and SSL settings.


Many of GainSeeker's charting and reporting components allow you to send information to email. You can also program GainSeeker data entry templates to send email.


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Use GainSeeker's built-in e-mail feature

GainSeeker modules that use this method

For the SPC Data Entry module and for legacy GainSeeker modules such as SPC Charts and Reports, DMS Charts and Reports, and Enterprise Dashboard, this is the non-default option for sending e-mail. There are several circumstances under which you may want a GainSeeker workstation to use GainSeeker's built-in email feature:

      • You do not use Microsoft Outlook, nor is any other email program configured for <Mailto:> tags in web pages.

      • You use Microsoft Outlook, but your Windows security settings do not allow GainSeeker to generate email using Outlook.

      • You want charts, statistics, and other items to be displayed in the body of the email instead of attaching them to the email.

Configuring GainSeeker

To configure GainSeeker to use the built-in email feature, you must configure the Email server, TCP port, and SSL settings.

It is also recommended that you configure all Users with an Email Address to be used for the "From" field of the email.

For the SPC Data Entry module and for legacy GainSeeker modules, you must edit the Cms.ini on the workstation to set email_override=2 (for e-mail with attachments) or email_override=3 (for email with charts and statistics displayed in the message body).

More information

For examples of how to send email using this feature, see Sending email with the built-in email feature.

Integrate GainSeeker with your existing e-mail program

If you use Microsoft Outlook, or if you use another e-mail program that has been configured for <Mailto:> tags in web pages on your workstation, then some GainSeeker modules can automatically integrate with your existing email program to generate emails with text-only formatting. Any charts, statistics or other items will be email attachments.

GainSeeker modules that use this method

The SPC Data Entry module and legacy GainSeeker modules such as SPC Charts and Reports, DMS Charts and Reports, and Enterprise Dashboard can use this method.

Configuring GainSeeker

GainSeeker will automatically try to use this method if you do not configure the workstation's Cms.ini to use GainSeeker's built-in e-mail feature (as described above).

More information

For examples of how to send e-mail with this method, see Sending email with Microsoft Outlook or Sending email with the Windows default email program.