General Improvements for Version 8.1.0


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New WebViz module

The new WebViz module allows you to provide an internet or intranet portal to your GainSeeker system. This makes it easy for you to give colleagues and/or customers access to the data they need.

Users who log in to WebViz can:

Users who log in with rights to perform some system administration functions in GainSeeker can also perform some of these functions in WebViz.

To see what WebViz can do, visit and log in as Tour Manager (with no password).

For more information, see WebViz configuration and customization and Launching GainSeeker WebViz.

Dynamic Reports

Mixed Reports now combine SPC, DMS and Advanced retrievals

In addition to the SPC report, the DMS report and the Advanced report, a new Mixed report is now available in the Dynamic Reports module. A Mixed report is based on one or more data retrievals from GainSeeker SPC, one or more data retrievals from GainSeeker DMS, and/or one or more custom SQL queries for data from the current database connection. For more information, see Retrieval Settings for a Mixed report.

Filters and Quick Filters now available

When defining the Retrieval Settings for an SPC or DMS report or retrieval, you can now set a Quick Filter or create a saved filter. This is similar to the functionality already available in the SPC and DMS Charts and Reports modules. For more information, see Setting the filter for an SPC report or Setting the filter for a DMS report.

Multiple Filters and Multiple Date Periods now available for SPC, DMS and Mixed reports

When defining the Retrieval Settings for an SPC or DMS report or retrieval, you can now select multiple filters and/or multiple date periods. When multiple filters and/or date periods are selected, any statistics you select will be calculated separately for each date period and/or filter. A Summary tab has also been added to clarify how many groups of statistics will be calculated separately for the data retrieved in the current report or retrieval.

Ability to analyze SPC data as "individuals" data now available

When defining the Retrieval Settings for an SPC report or retrieval, you can now select from two options for analyzing subgrouped data as individuals data - split each subgroup into multiple subgroups with one measurement each, or retrieve only one "column" from each subgroup (e.g., the 2nd data point from each subgroup). This is similar to the functionality already available in the SPC Charts and Reports module.

New tutorials demonstrate the use of Custom code

Two new tutorials that demonstrate how to use Custom code in a dynamic report have been added to the Online User Guide. They are:

Template Commands

New HTML_PARSE command simplifies data extraction from html

The HTML_PARSE command now makes it much easier for your data entry template to read data from an html page. This can be very useful when:

Updates to simplify DMS Data Entry

The DMS_COUNTS and DMS_OPT commands have been updated as follows:

Other changes

Other improvements



Version 8.1.0 Release Notes

Known Issues