Parameters to open a Dynamic Report

To create a shortcut to open multiple Dynamic Reports, See Parameters to open Multiple Dynamic Reports

For the following modules:

Add to target line:

How these modules function:

Dynamic Reports


This parameter specifies the type of report to open. Valid options for the number include:


type of report









If you use this parameter to specify the type of report to open, you should also use the Open= parameter to specify the name of the report you want to open. Each time you start this shortcut, the program will open the report you specify.

If you want this shortcut to process multiple reports, use the OpenList= parameter instead of the OpenType= and Open= parameters.


If the name of the report you are opening contains a space, you should add it as

This parameter specifies the name of the report you want to open. The report name you specify must be available for the type of report that is specified by the OpenType= parameter. Each time you start this shortcut, the program will open the report you specify.

If you want this shortcut to process multiple reports, use the OpenList= parameter instead of the OpenType= and Open= parameters.


If the file path or file name you specify contains a space, you should add it as

This parameter specifies the name of a text file that lists which Dynamic Reports to open. For more information, see Parameters to open Multiple Dynamic Reports

Each line of this text file must contain the OpenType= and Open= parameters above to specify one dynamic report to open. Each line of this text file can also include parameters to print or export a dynamic report.