Running multiple Python scripts in GainSeeker Console Manager

For situations where a Python script is constantly running - such as polling a data source for new information every few minutes - you can use the GainSeeker Console Manager module to launch and/or monitor the progress of such scripts.


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Launching GainSeeker Console Manager

To run the GainSeeker Console Manager, launch GSConsoleMgr.exe from the GainSeeker application folder (typically C:\Program Files(x86)\Hertzler Systems\GainSeeker) on your computer. You must log in as a GainSeeker user with permission for Module Access to PC Collect.

When setting up a Windows shortcut or Scheduled Task to run GainSeeker Console Manager, you may wish to add command line parameters to automatically log in to GainSeeker and Start Console Manager Groups.

Understanding the GainSeeker Console Manager

The GainSeeker Console Manager module lets you set up Groups of similar Machines.

For each Group, you can choose a Python script that collects data for a single machine and writes some of those values - such as Mode, Execution, Last Active (date/time), Part Count or other values you need to display - to the HSICT control table. The GainSeeker Console Manager then displays this information from HSICT.

You can use the GainSeeker Console Manager to perform several basic functions:

Writing the Python Script for the Group

In the GainSeeker Inspections module, use the Manage Python function to create and debug a Python script that will read the data for any machine in the Group.

A basic script that provides an outline for your Group-specific script is shown below.

You will need to find and edit the two code sections marked #TODO .

Here is the basic script:

import time
STOP_FILE_PATH = file.getpath(
3) #Files telling us to stop are stored in the DMS Data folder

def main(group, machine_name, ip_address, port, uuid, mt_connect_prefix, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, running_char):
#TODO - Get a reading from the machine, IP address, and Port. Create a data record with this information

#TODO - Update the mode, execution, and part count of this machine so they can be reported in GS Console Manager
    mode =
    execution =
    part_count =
"part count"

#Update the timestamp for this machine in the HSICT table
    where_clause =
"LEVEL_1 LIKE 'GSCM_{}%' AND LEVEL_2 LIKE '{}    {}    {}%'".format(group, machine_name, ip_address, port)
    full_sql =
"UPDATE {} SET GP_VALUE = '{}    {}    {}{}    {}' WHERE {}".format(sql.tables.hsict, mode, execution, running_char, hsidate.dbdatetime(), part_count, where_clause)
    lines_affected = sql.execute(full_sql)
#If we failed to update the line in the database two times in the row, then the machine was likely deleted in the database.
#If this is the case, then we don't want to keep running this script.
if lines_affected == 0:
return False
return True
#Get the command-line arguments for this script
group = cmdargs.getargvalue(
machine_name = cmdargs.getargvalue(
ip_address = cmdargs.getargvalue(
port = cmdargs.getargvalue(
uuid = cmdargs.getargvalue(
mt_connect_prefix = cmdargs.getargvalue(
arg1 = cmdargs.getargvalue(
"Arg1") #additional args are set in the group in the GS Console Manager Module
arg2 = cmdargs.getargvalue(
arg3 = cmdargs.getargvalue(
arg4 = cmdargs.getargvalue(

#Build the filepath we should check for a stop file.
stop_file_fullpath =
"{}{}.gscstop".format(STOP_FILE_PATH, group)

#Call the main function to update the database so we know the machine is running. Pause 5 seconds in between calls so we don't overload the db.
#Check for the existence of a stop file during the loop to see if we should stop this script.
while not file.exists(stop_file_fullpath):
if main(group, machine_name, ip_address, port, uuid, mt_connect_prefix, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, ""):
main(group, machine_name, ip_address, port, uuid, mt_connect_prefix, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4,
"*")  #"*" signifies "Not running"

Setting up Groups and Machines

On the GainSeeker Console Manager main window, click the Set Up button to open the Console Setup window.

After making any changes on this window, your changes will not take effect until you Stop and Start the affected Group(s).



These fields were designed for MTConnect data collection. If you will be reading data from a different type of data source, you can use these fields to store other machine-specific information.

All fields are optional.

Starting a Group of Machines

On the GainSeeker Console Manager main window, click the Group list and select the Group you want to start.

Before you start a Group, use the Active Status column to ensure that all machines in that Group are currently stopped ("Not Running") - like the following example:

If any machines in the group display activity, like Molders 2 and 3 in the example below, you must stop the Group before you start it again.

When you click Start Group, this module launches one instance of GSConsole for each machine in the Group that is configured with Status is set to OK. (No GSConsole window is launched for machines configured with Status set to Paused.)  Clicking Start Group will also delete the "stop file" for the Group.

Each machine's GSConsole window is launched with command line parameters for:

The Python script above captures these script arguments, Group and machine name, and machine connection parameters and sets them to variables you can use when collecting data for the machine.

Stopping a Group of Machines

On the GainSeeker Console Manager main window, click the Group list and select the Group you want to stop.

When you click Stop Group, this module creates a "stop file" for the Group and places this file in the DMS Data folder for the current configuration.

The Python script above looks for the current Group's stop file and terminates the script if the file is found.

This allows you to stop the scripts for a Group, even if they are running at a different workstation on the network.


GainSeeker Console Manager data is stored in the HSICT control table, with one row per machine, as follows:


contains a tab-delimited string containing...

whose values are set by


  • GSCM_<Group name>

  • <Argument 1 value>

  • <Argument 2 value>

the Console Setup window


  • <Machine name>

  • <IP address>

  • <Port>

  • <Status>
    must be 0 (indicates Status=OK) or 1 (indicates Status=Paused)

  • <UUID>

  • <MT Connect Prefix>

the Console Setup window


  • <Argument 3 value>

  • <Argument 4 value>


the Console Setup window


  • <Script name>

  • <Argument 1 label>

  • <Argument 2 label>

  • <Argument 3 label>

  • <Argument 4 label>


the Console Setup window


not used



not used



  • <Mode>

  • <Execution>

  • <Last Updated DateTime>
    preceded by an asterisk (*) if the machine is not running

  • <Part Count>

the Python script for the machine