Inspection Editor right-click options

You can right-click anywhere in the Inspection panel or the Design panel of the Inspection Editor to display the right-click menu for that panel. Some of the following menu items only display when you perform certain actions. For example, Cut does not display in the menu until you have selected items.


Save changes

Saves changes to the inspection and leaves the Inspection Editor open.

Save changes and Close

Saves changes to the inspection and then closes the Inspection Editor.

Save changes and Publish

Saves changes to the inspection, publishes the inspection, and leaves the Inspection Editor open.

Save changes, Close, and Publish

Saves changes to the inspection, publishes the inspection, and then closes the Inspection Editor.

Cancel changes

Closes the Inspection Editor without saving any changes made to the inspection.


Mobile Preview

Displays an approximate preview of how the current sub-inspection would look when running in the GS Collect app on a mobile device. This is useful if you want to design sub-inspections that are short enough to avoid the need for a vertical scrollbar.


Run (PC)

Runs the inspection as it would appear in the PC Collect module. You can use this to run an inspection - or a newer version of an inspection - before you publish it for data entry.

Debug (PC)

Turns on the Python debugger and runs the inspection as it would appear in the PC Collect module. You can use this to debug an inspection - or a newer version of an inspection - before you publish it for data entry.


Note: For convenience, you can select multiple tests in the Design panel to perform some of the following functions.


Copies the selected sub-inspection or test and all of its properties. (See the Paste command below for information on pasting the copied item.)


Copies the selected test and all of its properties, and removes it from the current sub-inspection. (See the Paste command below for information on pasting the cut test.)


Pastes a copied or cut test or sub-inspection. You can copy (or cut) and paste an item within the same inspection, or copy (or cut) an item from one inspection and paste it in another inspection.


Deletes the selected test or sub-inspection.