This command uses a DMS chart or Desktop to create an HTML file and returns the name and location of this HTML file. It also provides the names and locations of any supporting files that are needed by the HTML file.
CHT_DMS "chart_style", chart_type, "array_name"
The combination of "chart_style" and chart_type parameters specifies the type of chart to generate or specifies that a Desktop will be retrieved. Valid options for these parameters are:
chart_style |
explanation |
P |
Pareto chart |
D |
DPU chart |
C |
Control chart |
any string |
Desktop |
chart_style |
chart_type |
explanation |
P |
7-12 |
Pareto Chart:
13-18 |
Bar Chart:
19-24 |
Pie Chart:
D |
5 |
DPU Chart |
6 |
DPU Improvement Chart |
26 |
Yield Chart |
C |
4 |
Control Chart |
P, D or C |
1 |
Data Table |
2 |
Statistics List |
3 |
Defect Detail |
any string |
200 |
Desktop |
* If the default setting for cost statistics is Bypass cost to improve speed, the CHT_DMS command cannot generate these cost-based charts.
The "array_name" parameter is used to determine which processes or standards to chart or which Desktop to retrieve. Valid options for this parameter are:
array_name |
explanation |
blank |
Chart all processes and part numbers. |
name of a MySArr |
Before executing the CHT_DMS command, use the MYSARR command to do one of the following: • If you are retrieving a Desktop, set the value of MYSARR "array_name", 1 equal to the name of the Desktop you want to retrieve. • If you are drawing a chart for one or more processes, set the value of MYSARR "array_name", 1 equal to the name of the first process; MYSARR "array_name", 2 equal to the name of the second process; etc. • If you are drawing a chart for one or more standards, set the value of MYSARR "array_name", 1 equal to the name of the first DMS standard; MYSARR "array_name", 2 equal to the name of the second DMS standard; etc. For the Control chart style, this will generate a separate chart for each standard in the array. For the Pareto and DPU chart styles, this will generate one chart that includes data from all standards in the array. There are two valid ways to format these DMS standard names: o Part Number, followed by the Tab character (CHR 9), then followed by the Process o Part Number padded with spaces (if necessary) to make it 30 characters long, followed by the Process |
Return value
This command returns a string that contains the name and location of the HTML file it has created.
If the specified chart could not be generated, this command returns an empty string.
Additional options for sending DMS charts to HTML are set by the CHT_OPT_DMS command.
For any supporting files (e.g., *.jpg, *.gif, *.htm) that are needed by this HTML file, the CHT_DMS command also sets the value of MYSARR "Cht_DMS_Support", 1 equal to the name of the first supporting file; MYSARR "Cht_DMS_Support", 2 equal to the name of the second supporting file; etc. It also sets the value of MYSARR "Cht_DMS_Support", 0 equal to the location of these supporting files.
If you specify a Control chart for a MYSARR that references multiple standards, the CHT_DMS command will generate one HTML file for each chart and one additional HTML file containing links to the HTML files for the charts. After the user clicks a link to view the chart, they can click the chart window's button to return to the page containing the links.
If the specified chart could not be generated, the CHT_DMS command puts the error message in a string variable named MySVar "Chart_Error".
If you find that the focus does not returns to the SPC Data Entry module after executing this command, use the formula PBUFF : CLOSE_PBUFF to return the focus to the SPC Data Entry module.
See also: DE_CHART
MySVar "HTML" = CHT_DMS "P", 7, ""
This formula generates a Pareto chart of Defects as % of total Defects for all processes and part numbers, and then it then uses this chart to create an HTML file.
This formula sets the value of MySVar "HTML" to the name and location of the HTML file, and it uses MYSARR "Cht_DMS_Support" to report the names and locations of supporting files that are needed by this HTML file.
MySArr "DesktopName", 1 = "11426 - weekly" :
MySVar "webpage" = CHT_DMS "P", 200, "DesktopName"
This formula first sets the Desktop name "11426 - weekly" to a MySArr variable.
Next, it retrieves this Desktop and uses it to create an HTML file.
Finally, this formula sets the value of MySVar "webpage" to the name and location of the HTML file, and it uses MYSARR "Cht_DMS_Support" to report the names and locations of supporting files that are needed by this HTML file.
MySArr "Process", 1 = "FINISHING" :
MySVar "webpage" = CHT_DMS "D", 26, "Process"
This formula first sets the process name "FINISHING" to a MySArr variable.
Next, it generates a yield chart for this process and uses it to create an HTML file.
Finally, this formula sets the value of MySVar "webpage" to the name and location of the HTML file, and it uses MYSARR "Cht_DMS_Support" to report the names and locations of supporting files that are needed by this HTML file.
MySArr "Standard", 1 = CONCAT "A-50RB", CHR 9, "FINISHING" :
MySVar "webpage" = CHT_DMS "C", 4, "Standard"
This formula first sets the standard name for part number "A-50RB" on process "FINISHING" to a MySArr variable.
Next, it generates a control chart for this standard and uses it to create an HTML file.
Finally, this formula sets the value of MySVar "webpage" to the name and location of the HTML file, and it uses MYSARR "Cht_DMS_Support" to report the names and locations of supporting files that are needed by this HTML file.
MySArr "Process", 1 = "MACHINING" :
MySArr "Process", 2 = "ASSEMBLY" :
MySArr "Process", 3 = "FINISHING" :
DE_CHART 1, 300, (CHT_DMS "D", 5, "Process"), ""
This formula first sets the process names "MACHINING", "ASSEMBLY" and "FINISHING" to a MySArr variable.
Then it generates a DPU chart for these processes, uses this chart to create an HTML file, and displays this HTML file in the data entry chart window for template row 1.