Flex DE inspections user information

PC Collect is GainSeeker's updated interface to its precursor Flex DE released in GainSeeker version 8.3.0. Take note of the information in this topic if your organization uses Flex DE inspections created with the Inspection Editor prior to GainSeeker version 8.4.0.


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Where PC Collect inspections are stored

Because of this difference in how inspections are stored, any Flex DE inspections you published for use on PCs prior to version 8.4.0 remain available for your use and they will work as designed. However, your Flex DE inspections can no longer be edited using the Inspection Editor. Nor can they be overwritten by any changes you attempt to make to it in the Inspection Editor.

You can continue to run your Flex DE inspections and republish them to run as PC Collect inspections (and optionally, GS Collect mobile inspections) without any alterations or interference to your original Flex DE inspection.

How a PC Collect inspection displays