File menu options on the GainSeeker Charts window

This topic details the File menu options that may be available on the GainSeeker Charts window depending on what you have displayed in the window.


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SPC Charts

Opens the SPC Charts window used to pick standards, chart types, and settings for all SPC charts.

DMS Charts

Opens the DMS Charts window used to pick standards, chart types, and settings for all DMS and OEE charts.


Opens the Open Dashboard window that is used to open, create, change, and import/export Dashboards.

OEE Charts

Opens the DMS Charts window used to pick standards, chart types, and settings for all DMS and OEE charts.

Paired Sample Analysis

Opens the Paired Sample Analysis window used to pick standards and settings for paired analysis of SPC data.

New Desktop Note

Lets you create a rich text format note to store with a desktop.

External Data

Use the Windows clipboard or a Python script to access external data for GainSeeker analysis


Print the current chart. This option only displays on the menu when an item is open on the GainSeeker Charts window.

Print Desktop

Print all chart and dashboard windows that are currently open.

Save and Open

Takes a screen capture (or "snapshot") image of the chart. The file automatically opens after you save it as a file. This option only displays on the menu when an item is open on the GainSeeker Charts window.

Send To

Sends a copy of the chart, dashboard, or desktop window image or display values (text only) to a program or application you select, or you can save it as a file. You can also send an image of a chart or dashboard (or data text file for lists and tables) to a PowerPoint presentation slide. This option only displays on the menu when an item is open on the GainSeeker Charts window.


Log in as a different user or group name without exiting the GainSeeker Charts module and view details about who is logged into GainSeeker at any given time and the number of licenses currently in use.

Change Configuration

Change to a different GainSeeker configuration but keep the permissions (role) of the current user or group name.

Change Password

Change a password to GainSeeker Suite.


Closes the selected chart, dashboard, or desktop window on the GainSeeker Charts window.


Exits the GainSeeker Charts module.