Using the Dashboard right-click menu in design/edit mode

The right-click menu on a dashboard window that is open in design/edit mode offers options for:

The right-click menu in design/edit mode applies to the whole dashboard window and all of its controls.


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Following are menu items that display on a right-click menu when the dashboard window is open, depending on selections:

Copy and Paste dashboard controls options

Allows copying of one or more dashboard controls that are selected on a dashboard window that is in design/edit mode. Then, allows pasting of the controls on the host dashboard window in design/edit mode or on other dashboard windows that are open in design/edit mode.

Creating the dashboard window below that features multiple Dial Gage dashboard controls and static text was simplified using the Copy and Paste menu options. A control was copied and then pasted on the dashboard window eight times. After setting unique retrieval properties for each, the gages were then same-sized and aligned using the align and same-size options.

Align and same-size dashboard controls options

To select two or more controls for aligning or same-sizing:

  1. Click a dashboard control on the dashboard window to select it. The first control clicked is the control to which all other controls that are selected will be aligned and sized (if either option is selected).

  2. Press and hold the CTRL ("control") key while clicking additional dashboard controls in succession to select each.

Following are three dashboard controls that have been selected on a dashboard window. This is indicated by the presence of the "handles" (small white squares) on the perimeter of the controls. Note that the handles on the control at top right are outlined in black. This indicates that it is the "lead" control—the first control selected and the one to which all other selected controls will be aligned or sized. (If your dashboard window is set to white or another light color, the control handles may not be as visible as those in this example.)

  1. Release the CTRL key. Then, right-click on the dashboard to display this menu after all the wanted controls have been selected for realignment or resizing:

The dashboard controls in this example look like this when the Align left and Make same size right-click options are selected. Note that the bottom two controls have been sized the same as the top control and aligned with its left vertical side. More right-click options can be selected from the menu while the controls remain selected.

  1. Double-click on the dashboard window to deselect the controls.

For information on copying a dashboard control, see Copy and Paste dashboard control options.