Open a Dashboard using different Filters

When opening a Dashboard, you can temporarily select different filters for dashboard retrievals and dashboard controls.

These tasks are accomplished using the Open Dashboard with Changes window.


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Changing the filter used for retrievals

Follow these steps to temporarily change the filter used for a single retrieval, or for all retrievals that are of the same data type (SPC or DMS).

  1. If setting the filter for only one retrieval, use the Retrieval list to select the retrieval you want to change. For details, see Opening a Dashboard with Changes.

  2. To change only the selected retrieval, click Change (under Filter name).
    To change all retrievals of the same data type - (SPC) or (DMS) - click Change for all (under Date period).

    This opens the Select Filters window:

  3. Choose the new filter or filters, and then click OK. For more information, see Working with Filters and Using Quick Filters.

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