Defining the Grid Rows and Columns

Set options for defining and sorting rows and assign properties to columns for SPC and DMS data retrievals—on the same Dashboard Grid control—using the Define Grid Rows and Columns window.


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Using the Rows tab

Use the Rows tab on the Define Grid Rows and Columns window to select options for defining and sorting rows on the Dashboard Grid.

The Sample grid on the Rows tab displays a representation of how various selections will display in the grid.

Rows defined by

The Rows defined by setting determines how information will be divided into rows.

By default, each row on the Dashboard Grid displays information for one SPC standard or DMS standard.

However, you can change this to divide the rows by the values in one traceability field. For example, you might wish to display information for each Line - regardless of what parts are currently running on those lines.

When a Dashboard Grid includes a column for SPC data, this setting impacts how numbers are formatted and the speed of data retrieval:

Hide Column in Grid

GainSeeker automatically adds the Rows defined by column to the grid.

However, you can hide this column if desired. For example, you may hide the column because the information that column will display is repetitive, such as when you filter for a single standard for the whole grid.

Hiding the column does not affect how data is retrieved or how statistics are calculated.

To hide the Rows defined by column on the grid, select the Hide Column in Grid check box.

Rows grouped by

Optionally, you can use the Rows grouped by property to further subdivide the rows on the Dashboard Grid.

If used, each row on the Dashboard Grid displays information for each unique combination of the Rows defined by and Rows grouped by values.

Rows sorted by

Sort rows in Ascending or Descending order to prioritize data for a single statistic or traceability label using the Rows sorted by drop-down list. (All other statistics and traceability fields will also sort accordingly.) The rows are sorted by Part Number by default if another priority is not set.

For more information, see How real-time failure rows are sorted.

To set the data priority:

  1. Click the Rows sorted by list and select an option.

  2. Select Ascending or Descending to sort the data values in ascending or descending order.


Sample grid

The Sample grid on the Rows tab displays a representation of how various selections will display in the grid.

Using the Columns tab

Use the Columns tab on the Define Grid Rows and Columns window to set retrieval and display options for the Grid columns.

To add a column

  1. On the Define Grid Rows and Columns window, click the Columns tab.

  2. In the Add column area, click SPC data or DMS data to assign that data type to a new column. Then, click Add.

    This adds the new column to the Defined columns list.

You can repeat the step above to add more columns to the grid.

After adding a column to the grid, you can edit its Column Properties (below).

Editing the Column Properties

You can select a column in the Defined columns list to edit its Column Properties, which include statistic, caption, filter, date period, and other settings.

(Caption) property

Assign a caption to a column using the (Caption) property in the Column Properties grid on the Define Grid Rows and Columns dialog.

To assign a caption to a column:

  1. Click a column in the Defined columns list on the Columns tab to select it.

  2. Click the (Caption) property value cell. Then, enter a caption for that column in the text field. Usually, a caption will be the same or a similar name to the statistic that was selected for the column using the Cell display property, as in this example:

  1. Click outside the (Caption) property value cell to add the caption to that column in the finished Grid. Note that the selected column in the Defined columns also displays the (Caption) label as in this example, which helps to distinguish columns while they are being edited:

To change the position of a column relative to other columns in the Grid, see Using the Move up and Move down buttons.

Cell display property

You can choose a statistic to display in the cells of the selected column. Several special options are also available for this property:

To select a statistic:

  1. Click the property value cell for Cell display on the Column Properties grid. Then, click the ellipsis button in the value cell.

The Select Statistic dialog box opens, listing statistics for either SPC data or DMS data, depending on which data type was assigned to that column when it was added.

  1. Click a statistic in the Select Statistic dialog to select it for that column. Then, click OK.

(Click the Show full list button to view all possible statistic labels. Click the Show short list button to revert back to the shorter list of options. Enter any part of a statistic name in the Search text field to limit the list to closer matches.)

  1. The Cell display property value cell displays the selected statistic for that column.

A caption can now be added to the column. See editing the (Caption) property.

Cell display format property

You can use this property to apply particular formatting to numeric values or date/time values displayed in a particular column on the Data Grid. For example, you could use this property to format one column's statistical value to two decimal places.

This property does not affect other windows that are generated from the Data Grid, such as Data Tables. For more information, see Rows defined by.

To set a Cell display format:

  1. In the Defined columns list, click a column to select it.

  2. In the Column Properties grid, click the Cell display format property. Then enter an appropriate Numeric format or Date/Time format.

Colors defined by property

Set the colors a column will display when the value cells in a column fail or pass a user-set filter with the Colors defined by property. Or set up color regions for a column. By default, the column cells have no color.

To set colors,

The Column Display Colors dialog opens.

You can define colors to display on cells in the column, based on the value of each cell.

There are three ways to set colors:

Date period property

Set the date range so a column only retrieves data points that fall within the user-specified date range. Narrowing the date range can significantly shorten retrieval time. By default, the property is set to retrieve data for all date ranges.

To edit the Date range:

  1. Click a column in the Defined columns list on the Columns tab to select it.
  2. Click the Date period property value cell in the Column Properties grid. Then, click the ellipsis button in the value cell.

The Date Period dialog opens. See Selecting the Date Range for Retrieval for general information on selecting a data range.

  1. Click OK on the Date Period dialog after making a selection.

Detail defects property (DMS columns only)

Use the Detail defects property to specify defects that limit the analysis to the critical few for a comparison.

To edit this property:

  1. Click a column in the Defined columns list on the Columns tab to select it.
  2. Click the Select Defects property value cell. Then, click the ellipsis button in the value cell.

The Select Defects dialog opens.

Using the Select Defects dialog

Use the Select Defects dialog to select specific defects to include in a column for comparison analysis. [Select all Defects] is the default setting. For more information, see Selecting Defects

Selecting Defects involves selecting (1) a defect process group, and (2) whether to include all the defects associated with that group or select individual defects in the retrieval.

To select a defect group :

    1. Click a defect group in the drop-down list or leave it set to [Include all Defects] (you can remove unwanted defects from the latter setting) to select it for a column.

Individual defects that are included in the selected group display in the Selected Defects list. Other available individual defects display in the Available Defects list.

    1. Use the Add >> and << Remove buttons to select or deselect individual defects for the analysis.

The Select which [defects] you want to include in your analysis drop-down list displays the [Select specific Defects] after any changes are made.

    1. Click OK on the Select Defects dialog.

Most statistics display information for all of the defects found on each grid row. This is true for all statistics except those preceded by [Detail]. These statistics only display meaningful information when a single defect is selected for the Detail defects property. If you display a [Detail] statistic, the best practice is to add the name of the selected defect to the column caption.

Filter property

This property sets a filter for the data retrieved for this column.

To assign a filter to the column:

  1. Click a column in the Defined columns list on the Columns tab to select it.
  2. Click the Filter property value cell. Then, click the ellipsis button in the value cell.

The Select Filters dialog box opens. See Working with Filters.

See also: Limit to most recent (below)

Limit to most recent

Each time the dashboard is opened or this control is refreshed, GainSeeker looks for the latest value in the Limit to most recent field where the data matches the Filter and Date Period you have specified for the column. GainSeeker will filter the column for this value, in addition to applying your Filter and Date Period.


Date Period


Limit to most recent


24 hours ending now

Molding Dept


GainSeeker finds the most recent Shift in the Molding Department in the last 24 hours.

The data retrieved for the column comes from only that Shift in the Molding Department in the last 24 hours.

Year Ending Today

Line 1

Part Number

GainSeeker finds the most recent Part Number on Line 1 in the last year.

The data retrieved for the column comes from only that Part Number on Line 1 in the last year.

Maximum data count property (SPC columns only)

Restrict a column retrieval to only displaying a limited number of the most recent available SPC data records on the Dashboard Grid using this property. (A value of 0 displays all available records for that column on a Grid.)

To edit the property:

  1. Click a column in the Defined columns list on the Columns tab to select it.

  2. Click the Maximum data count property value cell text field. Select any numeric value in the text field. Then, enter a new numeric value.

  3. Click outside the property value cell to enter the value.

SPC data property

The data type for a column is selected when a new column is added and cannot be changed to the other type once it is added.

This property indicates whether the columns if for SPC data (True) or DMS data (False).

Summary property

You can display one or more Summary values at the bottom of any column. Different columns can display different Summary values, like the following example:

To add Summary values to a column:

  1. Click a column in the Defined columns list.

  2. In the Column Properties grid, click the Summary property and then click the button.

  3. Select one or more Summary values to display for this column. (You can use CTRL + click to select multiple values.)

    Your options include:

  4. Click OK to apply your changes.

  5. While this property is selected, you can apply the same Summary options to all other columns (if desired) by clicking the Set for All button.

When displaying the Dashboard Grid control, any Summary value that does not apply to the column - for example, displaying Sum for a column that displays dates and times - will not be displayed. The formatting of the other cells in the column determines how these Summary values are formatted.

To delete a column

  1. Click a column listing in the Defined columns list to select it.

  2. Click the Remove button on the Define Grid Rows and Columns dialog.

Using the Move up/down and Set for All buttons

The Move up and Move down buttons

Determine the order of the columns in the finished Grid using the Move up and Move down buttons on the Define Grid Rows and Columns dialog.

To change the position of a column in relation to other columns in the finished Grid (The top position in the Defined columns list represents the first column in the finished grid.):

  1. Click a column listing in the Defined columns list to select it.

  2. Click the Move up or Move down button until the column is correctly positioned in the list.

The Set for All button

Apply the same property value setting for one column to all or some of the other columns in the Dashboard Grid—depending on the data type—using the Set for All button on the Columns tab of the Define Grid Row and Columns dialog.

To use the Set for All button:

  1. Click a column in the Defined columns list to select it for edit.

  2. Click a property value cell in the Column Properties grid.

  3. Edit the property value for that column (See Editing the Column Properties for more information.). Keep the property value cell selected (or click it to reselect it).

  4. Click the Set for All button located below the Column Properties grid to apply that value to other columns in the finished Dashboard Grid.

Use the following table to determine which columns a property value will be copied to, based on the type of data in the source column:


This property from Source column can be copied to:

Source column


Cell display

Cell display format

Colors defined by

Date period

Detail defects

Maximum data count


SPC data



Both SPC and DMS columns

Only SPC columns

Both SPC and DMS columns

Only SPC columns

Both SPC and DMS columns

exists only for DMS

Only SPC columns

Only SPC columns


Both SPC and DMS columns


Both SPC and DMS columns

Only DMS columns

Both SPC and DMS columns

Only DMS columns

Both SPC and DMS columns

Only DMS columns

exists only for SPC

Only DMS columns


Both SPC and DMS columns