This command uses a Dashboard or Desktop to create an HTML file and returns the name and location of this HTML file. It also provides the names and locations of any supporting files that are needed by the HTML file.


CHT_DASH chart_type, "item_name"




Real-time Failure dashboard


KPI Gage dashboard


Statistical Filter dashboard



Return value

This command returns a string that contains the name and location of the HTML file it has created.

If the specified chart could not be generated, this command returns an empty string.


Additional options for sending dashboards to HTML are set by the CHT_OPT_DASH command.

For any supporting files (e.g., *.jpg, *.gif, *.htm) that are needed by this HTML file, the CHT_DASH command also sets the value of MYSARR "Cht_Dash_Support", 1 equal to the name of the first supporting file; MYSARR "Cht_Dash_Support", 2 equal to the name of the second supporting file; etc. It also sets the value of MYSARR "Cht_Dash_Support", 0 equal to the location of these supporting files.

If the specified chart could not be generated, the CHT_DASH command puts the error message in a string variable named MySVar "Chart_Error".

If you find that the focus does not returns to the SPC Data Entry module after executing this command, use the formula PBUFF : CLOSE_PBUFF to return the focus to the SPC Data Entry module.

Note: If this command is executed when the Enterprise Dashboard module is already open on the workstation, it will close the Enterprise Dashboard module.

See also: DE_CHART


CHT_DASH 3, "Low Cpk"

This formula opens the Statistical Filter dashboard named "Low Cpk", uses this dashboard to create an HTML file, and returns the name and location of the HTML file.

MySVar "HTML" = CHT_DASH 200, "Daily Desktop"

This formula opens the Desktop named "Daily Desktop", and then it then uses this Desktop to create an HTML file.

This formula sets the value of MySVar "HTML" to the name and location of the HTML file, and it uses MYSARR "Cht_Dash_Support" to report the names and locations of supporting files that are needed by this HTML file.

DE_CHART 1, 300, (CHT_DASH 2, "Yield gages"), ""

This formula opens the KPI Gage dashboard named "Yield gages", uses this dashboard to create an HTML file, and displays this HTML file in the data entry chart window for template row 1.