


DATAROWSOK_POS x_location, y_location, rownumber, rownumber

DATAROWSOK_POS 100, 100, 1,2,4,5

This example will place ask to save rows 1,2,4 and 5. The dialog will be placed 100 pixels down and 100 pixels in from the top left corner of the screen.

Note: Use this command with the IF command to control the template depending on the user's response.

This command displays a dialog that allows the user to confirm and edit data.

If the user selects No, the command returns a 0 (zero). If the user selects Yes, the command returns a 1.

x_location and y_location are in pixels. The values for x are 0-640 or 0-1024 (depending on your video driver). The values for y are 0-480 or 0-768.

If the locations given cause the dialog to be displayed too far off the screen, the software will correct the position and display in upper left corner.

Caution: Do not use any of these commands in a Data column, as they could produce unexpected results. Instead, these commands are typically used in the cell following the last data value entered.

See also: DE_OPT 43