


DOZE milliseconds

DOZE 20000

This causes the template to wait 20 seconds before performing the next function, during which time the user can interact with the screen.

DOZE 1000

Causes the template to wait for 1 second before performing the next function.

DOZE will delay template functioning for the specified number of milliseconds, with 1000 milliseconds = 1 second.

This command allows the user to perform other functions on the workstation during the delay.  To implement a delay where the user cannot interact with the program, use SLEEP.

Note: If the user clicks on another tab on the data entry screen, the delay will be interrupted until the user clicks the Data Entry tab and presses the ENTER key.  
If the user clicks the
Notes button or clicks any of the menu options that launches a dialog, the delay will be interrupted until the user closes the dialog.

DOZE does not display a special interface to the user during the delay.  To implement a delay with a user interface, use DELAY or TIMER_DELAY.

Note: In templates designed to access external data in the SPC Charts and Reports module, the DOZE command should be the last command in the cell's formula.  
If a cell contains DOZE followed by other commands, and if the user closes the SPC Data Entry window during the doze period, the user may receive the error message "Client site not available (#398)".
This is not an issue for templates designed to be run only from the SPC Data Entry module.

This command does not return a value.