Important note

GainSeeker converts three backslashes ( \\\ ) to two ( \\ ) for literal (UNC) filename parameters (for example:  \\\hsdc01xz\data\xfer\mtc.htm). If you were to instead use two backslashes as in this example, \\hsdc01xz\data\xfer\mtc.htm , it results in a filename of \hsdc01xz\data\xfer\mtc.htm , which is invalid as a UNC. This is because the double backslash is considered an escape sequence, and the system auto-converts it to a single backslash.

However, if the filename parameter is a variable (for example: MySvar "Path"), use should only use two backslashes. Using three slashes in this event causes an error.

If you are upgrading from GainSeeker version 8.0 or earlier and using UNC paths, you must update your templates to reflect this.






When the template is closed, this formula automatically sends to MINITAB all of the retrieved data for all template rows configured with the SEND_TO command.  The columns that will appear in MINITAB for this template row are "row", "date/time", "data", and "real-time failure".  The text file generated by this command is stored in a temporary folder on your computer.


SEND_TO "FILE", "F:\ Results.txt", 18, CSTR CPK

As soon as this command is encountered, the template asks the user whether to send the data to the file. If the user clicks Yes, it creates (or overwrites) the text file "F:\ Results.txt". This command sets the contents of this file to the Cpk value which is calculated from all of the retrieved data for this template row.

This command configures the data entry session to send the retrieved data for this row of the template to the program or file format that you specify.

To send retrieved data for multiple rows of the template, execute a SEND_TO command on each row you want to send.  Each row can be set with different command parameters ("program", "filename", etc.) if desired.

The "program" parameter determines which application or file format to which the data will be sent.  Valid settings include:

    Writes data to a file and then opens the file in MINITAB

    Writes data to a file in MINITAB format

  • JMP
    Writes data to a file and then opens the file in JMP

    Writes data to a file in JMP format

    Writes data to a file and then opens the file in Microsoft Excel

  • application file name and file path
    Writes data to a file in tab-delimited format, then launches the specified application with the file as a command-line parameter.
    For most programs, this opens the file in the specified application

  • FILE
    Writes data to a file in tab-delimited format

The "filename" parameter identifies the name and location of the file to be created.  Valid settings include:

  • A valid file path and file name
    If the specified folder already contains a file with this name, the existing file will be overwritten.

  • A valid file name
    The file will be created in the folder where GainSeeker program files (*.exe) exist.  If this folder already contains a file with this name, the existing file will be overwritten.

  • No path or file name (empty string)
    A file named SendTonn.txt will be created in a temporary folder on your computer.  Other files in this folder will not be overwritten.

To set the options parameter, add together the numbers that correspond to your chosen settings:

0 : The default behavior for the command is:

  • Ask the user before sending data

  • Data send is initiated when the template closes

  • Send data for all template rows where a SEND_TO command has been executed

  • Use the "info" parameter to define the columns that will be sent

1 : Do not ask the user before sending data

2 : Data send is initiated when this command is encountered (not when the template closes)

4 : Send data only for the current row of the template. Do not send data for other template rows where a SEND_TO command has been executed.

16 : This option applies only when the "program" parameter is FILE.
Instead of using the "info" parameter to define columns to send to the file, use the "info" parameter to define a string to send to the file.

Set the options parameter to the sum of the settings you choose.  For example, an options parameter of 3 (setting 1 + setting 2) will not ask the user before sending data, and it will send the data as soon as the command is encountered.

The "info" parameter determines which values are sent to the program or file.

  • If your options parameter includes setting 16, this can be any string value.

  • If your options parameter does not include setting 16, this must contain one or more of the following column designators, separated by commas:




Subgroup number


Data value




Traceability field 1


Traceability field 2




Traceability field 48


Date/Time stamp


Date stamp


Time stamp






Action Taken






Outlier reasons


Real-time failure


Special symbols

Note:  When a new data entry session is opened (e.g., Quick Start, Template, Planned Session or Stored Session), the SEND_TO command is turned off and all of these parameters are returned to their default state.