


SETTAB "text", "filename"

SetTab "document", " c:\ mydocs\xyz.doc"

SetTab "document", stdvar 1

SetTab "Data Entry", " c:\ mydocs\help.avi"

Finds the first tab name containing "text" and replaces the current filename with the new filename.

This command can be used with the Document, Audio, Video, Picture, and MINITAB tab types.  You can also use this command with the Data Entry tab to reset the file associated with the external applications button.

Note: When using a template to access external data from the SPC Charts and Reports module, this command will be ignored.

Note for HTML documents when using the SETTAB command:

If you are dynamically changing the contents of an HTML file and want to force the Document tab to re-read the file, then execute a SETTAB command with "No-cache" as the filename parameter.  This "clears" the Document tab display so that the HTML file will be re-read the next time the tab is clicked on.  The old "filename" is still active i.e. you don't have to reset the "filename" parameter after setting it to "No-cache".

Be forewarned that setting the filename to a different name (or blank) and then re-setting it doesn't work, unless you specifically load the tab (click on it) while the different name is active.  Thus, the need for this new feature ("No-cache").

Most users will not need to do the following:

Depending on your browser and its version, you may have to embed the following four lines after the <HTML> section but before the <BODY> section of your HTML file in order for the file to be re-read properly.  These commands prevent the HTML page from remaining in the browser's cache:

<META HTTP-EQUIV=" Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Cache-Control" CONTENT="no-cache">


<META HTTP-EQUIV="ExpiresAbsolute" CONTENT="0">