Right-click menu in File Import Wizard step 5

You can right-click on any row in the grid and select an option from the menu to perform one of these functions:

Undo – removes the most recent change made to the grid.

Clear Entry – clears all values from the selected cell.

Add Selected Item – adds the highlighted item from the Drag items list to the selected cell.  

See also Adding items to the grid

Add from pre-defined list – allows you to select from a pre-defined list the value that will be stored for this GainSeeker Field, rather than reading the values for this field from the text file.  This option is only available when you right-click cells with pre-defined lists such as traceability, part number, process, or defect descriptions.

See also Using static text

Add Static Text – allows you to type in text that will be stored for this GainSeeker Field, rather than reading the values for this field from the text file.

See also Using static text

Add TODO: Edit formula later – allows you to add a comment or formula to a cell.  After finishing this template with the File Import Wizard, you must use the Template Wizard for final editing of these TODO formulas.

See also Adding a formula

New Placeholder – appends a new cell to the grid, which can be used for mapping other columns or for formulas.  

See also Adding placeholders for use with formulas

Maximize – makes the grid larger so that you can see more of it at one time.