Using AND to find records that meet all criteria

To add another criterion that a record must pass in order to be acted upon by the query, configure a new row on the grid and enter the next search condition in the Criteria cell.  The two rows can set criteria for two different fields or for the same field.

Tip:  When using two rows to set criteria for the same field in a SELECT query, you may want to clear the Output check box for one of the rows.  This prevents the field from being displayed twice in the query result set.

In the example below, data where the company name contains both "Market" and "Food" will meet both criteria and thus will be acted upon by the query.

In the example below, information on orders where the date required falls between July 1 and July 31, 2005 and the customer is located in Brazil will meet both criteria and thus will be acted upon by the query.


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