Tools menu

The Tools menu in the SPC Designer module contains the following options:

You can use this utility to test the compatibility of your OPC server with GainSeeker SPC.  For more information, see Using the OPC Server Browser.

You can use this utility to test the connection between the GainSeeker SPC workstation and a TCP/IP-capable data collection device.  For more information, see Test TCP/IP connection with GainSeeker.

This command takes you directly to the OPC portion of the GainSeeker Online User Guide.  For more information, see OPC Server Support.

This command allows your web browser to open directly to the web site for the OPC Foundation.

This command creates a list of template names displayed on the main screen of the SPC Designer and the files associated with these templates, and then it displays this list as a document in your editor.

This command is only available if you have access rights to "Send to Printer or Editor".

You can use this utility to verify the syntax of all of the templates listed on the main screen of the Designer module.  It can be a useful tool if templates stop working after upgrading to a newer version of GainSeeker SPC.  For more information, see Running the Syntax Checker.

This utility is only available if you have access rights to "Send to Printer or Editor".

This utility creates a list of all templates that contain (or do not contain) the text you specify, and then it displays this list as a document in your editor. If you limit your search to cell formulas, feedback formulas and/or notes, this utility will also list where the specified text was found (e.g., in which cells, in the feedback formulas for which row, etc.).

This utility is only available if you have access rights to "Send to Printer or Editor".

The Compare changes… option allows a template writer to view changes between two templates. To use this option, highlight one of the templates in the list that you want to compare. Then, click the Compare changes… menu option, which will display another dialog box with a list of templates. From this list, select the second template, and then click OK. Notepad opens containing a file that lists the differences between the two templates.

The Compare changes… process uses the DOS command FC to compare the two files. For more information about the FC command, type FC /? at the command prompt. If you want to change the command line parameters, create a file named pfc.txt in the temporary folder where the FC result files are created. On the first line of that file, enter valid command line parameters for the FC command (for example, /b to force binary compare).

If you want to change from the FC command to a different compare utility, another option is available. GainSeeker supports the Compare It! program developed by Grig Software (  If you have this software, you can specify that the Compare changes… use it. To do this, add a second line to the pfc.txt file that you created. In the second line, add the path and filename of the compare utility (for example, c:\Program Files\Compare It!\Wincmp3.exe).

•  View change checklist

The View change checklist option allows template writers to view a list of best practices or documented procedures when making changes to a template. The checklist is a Rich Text Format (RTF) document that is installed into the GainSeeker programs folder (typically, it is: C:\Program Files\Hertzler Systems\GainSeeker). The file name is tchklist.rtf. This file can be edited to customize it for each template writer. The default procedure which Hertzler Systems ships, is also backed up in the file:

• Command prompt

You can use Command prompt to check for files, file paths, or any other checks needed while writing a template. Sometimes versions of Windows, such as Terminal Services, differently map file paths. This is a convenient way to check files, file paths, or any other checks needed while writing a template.