Using the menus in a data entry session

The menus and menu options available in a data entry session will depend on:

These menus may include:

Before a data record is saved, this menu allows you to undo one or more of your most recent actions, up to the last 15 actions. For details, see Undoing one or more previous values.

This menu allows you to work with standards, Short Run process specifications , traceability lists, and corrective action lists. (In PDA mode, this menu is not available.)

This menu allows you to launch the Priority List Editor module, the SPC Designer module, or the SPC Planner module. (In PDA mode, this menu is not available.)

When you launch one of these modules from the Power Tools menu, your login details from the SPC Data Entry module are passed to the new module, so that you do not have to log in to the new module being launched.

If a data entry session that normally accepts readings from a GagePort at this workstation occasionally has difficulty reading the value from the GagePort, you can press the F8 key and then click the Reset GagePort! menu command. This command is equivalent to removing and restoring power to the GagePort. In PDA mode, this menu command is shortened to Reset .

This menu is only available in PDA mode. It allows you to access any other tabs configured for this data entry session, such as Instructions, Data Table, or Statistics.