Options menu

The Options menu is available when you are working on the Traceability, Data Table or Statistics tab in a data entry session.

The options shown on this menu will depend on the access rights granted to the User or Group Name you used to log in. These options may include:

This option allows you to specify which columns will be displayed on the Data Table tab, and in what order.

For details, see Selecting Display Columns.

This option allows you to change the font type, style, size, effects, and color for the text displayed in the Data Table, Traceability list, or Statistics list.

In PDA mode , these tables and lists are displayed with the smallest available font size, and this menu option is not available.

For details, see Changing Fonts and Colors on Tables and Lists.

These options allow you to edit the data or the note for the highlighted row of the Data Table.

Depending on the way that the program has been configured, you may be prompted to enter a password before you can edit the information.

For details, see Editing SPC data and Editing the note, corrective action, anchor point or bypass.

These options allow you to delete the data for the highlighted row of the Data Table. (In PDA mode, the Delete Range option is not available.)

Depending on the way that the program has been configured, you may be prompted to enter a password before you can delete the data.

For details, see Deleting SPC data.

When viewing the Statistics tab, this option allows you to display a different statistics report.

Using this option to view different statistics does not change the default statistics report for this data entry session or for this workstation.

For details, see Selecting the Statistics List or Statistics Table to display.

This option adds detailed information about statistical outliers to the Statistics tab.