Deleting SPC data

If you have rights to do so, you can use a data table to delete one data record or many data records from the system.

Deleting one record

To delete a single record, right-click on the data table row you want to delete and then click Delete. Alternately, you may select the row you want to delete, click the Options menu, and then click Delete.

When prompted to delete the selected record, click Yes.

Deleting multiple records

To delete multiple records, right-click anywhere on the data table and then click Delete Range. Alternately, you may click the Options menu, and then click Delete Range. (In PDA mode , these options are not available.)

On this screen, you must select the records to be deleted, and then click Delete.

You can use the following methods to select one or more records:

To delete all the selected records, click Delete. When prompted to delete the selected records, click Yes.

To exit without deleting any records, click Close or click the button in the top right corner of the Delete Range of Data Records screen.


See also:

Import/Export Data