Performance Charts settings

This topic details the Performance Chart options on the Settings tab tree.

You can assign default settings to charts in the GainSeeker System Administration module. See Chart Defaults settings

Note: Performance chart settings and all other settings located in the Chart overrides node of the Settings dialog can be saved as a chart skin that you can apply to any charts. For more information, see Chart Skins


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Navigating to Performance charts options on the Settings tab tree

Navigate to Performance charts by following this path on the Settings tab:

Chart overrides | Charts | Performance charts

Display Spec limit values

When you display the lines for specification limits on a Performance Chart, you can choose whether or not to display the values of those limits at the right-hand edge of those lines.

To change the default for this setting in the GainSeeker Administration module, see SPC Chart default settings.

Graph (chart) type

Performance Chart
Graph type options

Data Display

Box and Whisker

Draws minimum and maximum values, first and third quartiles and the mean.

Box chart

Draws upper and lower control limits and the mean.

Centered Box chart

Shows how the Box chart (above) would look if centered on the Nominal Spec.


Draws normal and non-normal curves based on the distribution. When a data curve does not display a line for the mean, it indicates non-normal data.

To change the default chart type in the GainSeeker Administration module: see Changing the default chart type.

To change the graph (chart) type of a new or an existing chart:

  1. Expand the Graph type node.

  2. Then, click a Graph type to select it. Box and Whisker is shown selected in the following example.

Show box values

Show data on graph

Show entire chart element outside limits

Value to display on graph =

Sets the statistic or value to display on the chart when this option is selected.

  1. Double-click the Value to display on graph option.

The Select Statistic dialog opens.

  1. Click a statistic to select it for the chart. Then, click OK.

Other Performance chart options

Statistics under performance chart =

Select a statistics report to display under a Performance chart when this option is selected.

To display statistics under a chart on your screen, the Show statistics list under chart option must be selected on the Settings tab.

To select the statistics that display:

  1. Navigate to Statistics under performance chart = following this path on the Settings tab:

Chart overrides | Charts | Default reports | Statistics under performance chart |

  1. Then, Double-click Statistics under performance chart.

The Statistics under performance chart dialog opens. See Using Select Statistics dialogs

More information on Performance Charts