Using Quick Filters

You can use a Quick Filter to analyze only the data points that meet the criteria you set for a traceability field, or to sort the data in order by a particular traceability field.

To set up a Quick Filter, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the Quick filter check box.

  2. Click the Traceability list and select the traceability field for which to set filter criteria.

  3. Click the Test list and select the method for comparing values.

  1. This step depends on the type of Test you selected in the previous step:

If a list of pre-defined values has been entered for this traceability field, you can select one of these values by clicking the arrow for the Value box.  This is typically used with the Equals or Doesn't Equal test.

Alternately, you can type the value for which you want to filter in the Value box.  If you are filtering for only a partial traceability value, type that value here and choose the Contains or Doesn't Contain test.

To turn off all filters, clear the Quick filter check box and select All Data from the Available filters list.

If you selected Analysis Mode 2 on Chart Wizard Step 1, one more option is available:

After setting the options on this step, you have several options:



Retrieval Options Wizard Step 3

Working with Filters