Using the Control Chart Builder

The Control Chart Builder draws p, np, c and u control charts. It automatically determines the appropriate chart according to the way you entered the data. You can draw control charts for one part number and one process, but for a variety of time periods. You can select multiple part numbers, and it produces one control chart for each part number selected. In addition to charts, you can create summary and detailed data and statistics listings. You can also filter data for retrieval based on criteria you select.

Click on the Next button to move from one screen to the next. Click on Finish at any time to see the chart. If the builder needs more information, it will tell you.  Control charts vary depending on the data you enter.

Control charts vary depending on the data you enter.

Control chart

Constant sample size

Changing or varying sample size

Nonconforming units








Step 1 in building a Control Chart: Selecting Part Numbers

Step 2 in building a Control chart: Selecting the date range for retrieval

Step 3 in building a Control chart: Select the chart view

Step 4 in building a control chart: Selecting defects, filters and statistics