Add a Numeric Input test to the sub-inspection to have the inspector enter variable data.
Note: Not all of the sub-inspection test toolbar buttons are technically "tests". For simplicity, that term is used in this topic to describe all of the sub-inspection test toolbar buttons.
Contents [Hide] |
Click the Numeric Input
toolbar button to
add this test to the sub-inspection.
Enter a display label for this test on the Edit Label window that opens.
Set any properties for this test on the Properties panel that displays after the test is added.
For information about using the Properties panel, see Changing property settings
All properties apply to inspections run in the PC Collect module except for those in the Mobile (Legacy) section. Properties that apply to mobile inspections are indicated in the Mobile column below.
Property |
Default setting or default display |
Allows |
Appearance |
[blank] |
Enter text for a description. This Label will be displayed to the user. If the SPCStandardSelection property is set to PickAtRuntime, this Label will be replaced by the name of the Standard that the user selects. Tip: If you need to provide a very long label or user instructions, add a Text test above the Numeric Input test. The PC Collect module can only display the first 43 characters of this Label. |
Y |
Regular. Test is full-sized. |
Short. Helps you to fit more tests on the screen. Test may be shorter, and white space above and below this test may be reduced. |
Behavior & Data |
DoNotSendAutomatically. The Inspector can edit real-time failure e-mails before sending them. Used only when CheckFailureResponse property contains a valid email address. (In GainSeeker versions previous to version 9.3, this setting was False.) |
SendLinkedCharts: The Inspector cannot interact with real-time failure e-mails. These e-mails are sent automatically and include all SPC charts that are linked to this Numeric Input test. SendAllCharts:The
Inspector cannot interact with real-time failure e-mails. These
e-mails are sent automatically and include all charts for the
sub-inspection. Both settings are only used when CheckFailureResponse property contains a valid email address. |
[Blank] Mobile: A pop-up message displays after a failed check. PC: No message displays after a failed check. |
Enter an email address to enable sending an email notification after a failed check. Multiple addresses should be separated by commas. (A semicolon used to separate e-mail addresses will be automatically corrected to a comma.) [Mobile]: Assumes the device's email is configured correctly. [PC]:
Y |
DataReferenceRead |
[blank] |
The reference key used to retrieve data points for this test. The reference key is appended to the inspection's Unique ID for retrieval from the control table in the database. |
DataReferenceStorage |
[blank] |
Reference key used to store data points for this test. The reference key is appended to the inspection's Unique ID for retrieval from the control table in the database. |
[blank] Use keyboard input for this test. |
Select a Device Profile configured for direct data entry from a connected RS-232 measuring device. Having a Device Profile selected puts the Numeric Input test into serial input mode. When the cursor is on any data cell in the subgroup – either automatically when the focus enters the cell, or manually when the user clicks on the cell – this Device Profile will automatically be run to collect a measurement from the device (or if using Keyboard mode, the keyboard prompt will automatically be launched). The only time this does not apply is if the highlighted cell already contains a value (not the Data Entry Constant) – in this case, the user can delete the current cell contents to re-start the Device Profile. Best practice is to avoid setting a Data Entry Constant in the SPC standard if that standard will be used in a Numeric Input test that runs a Device Profile. In PC Collect, the Device Profile is unloaded from memory when the inspection is closed and the user is returned to the list of inspections. |
[blank] No filter is applied when retrieving the most recent data to calculate statistics for real-time failure checks. |
You can filter the data that will be retrieved to calculate statistics (such as Control limits, Mean, R-bar, 2SD, and 3SD) for real-time failure checks. This can be a Quick filter or a saved filter. In some cases, you may wish to filter for a traceability value that was entered in this inspection – by the TestSpecificTrace property on this Numeric Input test, a Traceability test in a previous sub-inspection or the current sub-inspection, a Planned Inspection, or a Formula test. For example, you might wish to filter for:
To filter for such a traceability value –
which may vary from one data entry session to the next – you must create a Quick filter
or a saved filter that looks for a blank value in that traceability
field. For an example of this type of filter, and for more information,
see Filtering
for inspection traceability values.
For any inspection that was last edited before GainSeeker version 9.3, a filter set for SPC Chart groups linked to this test will automatically be applied to this property when you edit or run the inspection. You can still edit the inspection to remove or change this filter. |
Use Sub-Inspection Settings. Apply the settings from the sub-inspection ForceNote property to this test. |
the ForceNote property
and then click the |
NoteButton |
SameAsTest. If the sub-inspection ShowIndividualNote property is set to True (display Individual Note buttons), enabling this test for user interaction will enable this test's Individual Note button, and disabling this test from user interaction will disable this test's Individual Note button. |
AlwaysEnabled. If the sub-inspection ShowIndividualNote property is set to True (display Individual Note buttons), this test's Individual Note button is always enabled, regardless of the enabled/disabled status of this test. AlwaysDisabled. This test's Individual Note button is always disabled, regardless of the enabled/disabled status of this test. |
RequireEntry All data cells must contain numeric values and/or asterisks ( * denotes a missing value) before the user can Submit the sub-inspection. |
This property is only applied when the Numeric Input test is visible. The options below allow the user to leave this Numeric Input test completely blank and still Submit the sub-inspection: StoreSentinel If all data cells are blank when the sub-inspection is Submitted, store a record for this Numeric Input test with an asterisk ( * denotes a missing value) in each data cell. DoNotStore If all data cells are blank when the sub-inspection is Submitted, do not store a record for this Numeric Input test. Note: the Data Entry constant is not a blank value, and a Numeric Input test with all cells set to the Data Entry constant will store those values as valid numbers. |
False. Putting the focus on any cell in this test does not affect which sub-inspection chart is displayed on the side panel. |
True. If any sub-inspection charts are linked to this test, putting the focus on any cell in this test will automatically select and display the first (leftmost) linked chart on the side panel. |
[blank] |
Select a single SPC standard to store with the test data. Use this property in conjunction with the PickAheadOfTime setting of the SPCStandardSelection property. You can double-click on the Numeric Input test to edit this property. [Mobile only]: The Numeric Input test is limited to storing data for a subgroup size of 8 or less. |
Y |
[blank] |
You can use this property to configure settings for direct data entry from a connected Solartron Orbit 3 module.
[blank] |
Enter a search string to specify what displays in the SPC standard list when the SPCStandardSelection property is set to PickAtRuntime. You can also enter a regular expression for this search. To do so, your search must begin with R: followed by the regular expression, like the following examples:
PickAheadOfTime. Limits the inspector to a specific standard for this test. [See SingleSPCStandard property.] |
PickAtRuntime requires the inspector to select an SPC Standard from a list during data entry For PC data entry, you can use the SPCStandardSearchString property to narrow the list of standards displayed to the inspector. If using a DeviceProfile, the user will not be able to start entering data until an SPC Standard has been selected.
DoNotStore does not store this test as a data record when the sub-inspection is submitted, which can be useful if the values entered for this test are used in the calculation of some final value which is stored as data in a different test. When using this option, any side panel charts linked to this test will not be refreshed when the sub-inspection is submitted. If the SingleSPCStandard property specifies the name of an SPC standard, this test will behave as if this property were set to PickAheadOfTime - applying all of the settings and real-time checks for this standard - except that no data record will be stored. If no SingleSPCStandard property is set, this test will be set for a subgroup size of one. If you need a larger subgroup size on this test, you can execute a Python script that sets to the larger subgroup size. Common practice is to execute this type of command in a Formula test with the FormulaMode property set to Pre. |
Y |
Across After a measurement has been entered, automatically advance to the next measurement in the subgroup for the current Numeric Input Test. This is useful when you want to measure one characteristic for all parts in the subgroup, then measure another characteristic for all parts in the subgroup, and so on. |
Down If two or more Numeric Input tests are contiguous (no other tests* between them), automatically advance to the same position in the next Numeric Input test on this sub-inspection. This option is useful when you want to measure several key characteristics on the first part in a subgroup, before proceeding to measure the same characteristics on the second part in the subgroup. This often happens in inspections with RS-232 input for multiple characteristics of a part (see Device Profile above). This option may trigger more OnChange formulas than the Across option, because you are more likely to move from one test to another after changing the value in the first test.
* These tests are ignored when determining which Numeric Input tests are contiguous:
A unique TestID number is automatically assigned to each test in the inspection, but you can change this number to a more meaningful name. The TestID property is only used in Python scripts for PC Collect inspections. For more information, see About the TestID property |
Enter a name for the TestID. |
[blank] |
You can specify one or more traceability values that will be applied only to this Numeric Input test on this sub-inspection. These values will not be displayed to the inspector during data entry. If you want to store this test's TestID property as a traceability value, enter [testid] . Any traceability values you set here will override values set by Traceability tests, Inspection properties, Planned Inspection traceability values, etc. |
Mobile (Legacy) |
CheckAgainstIndividualGates [Mobile only] |
False. The test data is not checked against individual upper/lower gates. |
True. Checks the test data against individual upper/lower gates. Device must be in online mode. |
Y |
CheckAgainstSpecs [Mobile only] |
False. The test data is not checked against individual upper/lower specifications. |
True. Checks the test data against individual upper/lower specifications. Device must be in online mode. |
Y |
CheckAgainstSubgroupGates [Mobile only] |
False. The test data is not checked against subgroup upper/lower gates. |
True. checks the test data against subgroup upper/lower gates. Device must be in online mode. |
Y |
CustomPropertyName [Mobile only] |
[blank] |
Enter the name of a custom property that has been set using another numeric input. Use this property to access a calculated value that is based on other input set by the FormulaAfterEntry property. |
Y |
[Mobile only] |
[blank] |
Enter LiveCode code to execute calculations after the data is entered for this test. |
Y |
KeyboardInput [Mobile only] |
True. The numeric input can be edited using the keyboard. |
False. The numeric input cannot be edited using the keyboard. |
Y |
LocalDataRead [Mobile only] |
[blank] |
Enter LiveCode code to prefill the numeric input text box with a stored value from the local database. [See LocalDataStorage property.] |
Y |
[Mobile only] |
[blank] |
Enter LiveCode code to store a value in the local database to be read at a later time. |
Y |
PrepText [Mobile only] |
[blank] |
Prefill the numeric input box with this value. |
Y |
SPCStandardList [Mobile only] |
[blank] |
an SPC standard list for operator to choose from at run-time. [Set the list using a SPC Standard Lists category property on the Properties grid for a sub-inspection.] |
Y |
Use Sub-Inspection Settings
Apply the settings from the sub-inspection ForceNote property to this test.
Set for this test (override Sub-Inspection settings)
Force Note
If this setting is checked:
The inspector is required to enter a note when this test has a real-time failure. Required notes can be entered from either the Sub-inspection Note (bottom of the page) or the test's Individual Note (next to the test).
When the sub-inspection properties NoteVisible and ShowIndividualNote are set to False, the inspector is prompted to enter a note when the Submit (sub-inspection data) button is pressed.
If this setting is cleared:
The presence of a real-time failure does not require the inspector to enter a note.
ForceNote property and the presence of Traceability
tests for SPC Event,
Cause, and/or Action
Taken determine whether the presence of a real-time failure
will require the inspector to enter values for these tests.
Force at least one of Event, Cause, or Action Taken
If selected, the presence of a real-time failure requires the inspector to use the test's Individual Note (next to the test) to enter either an Event, Cause, or Action Taken. Or, if the sub-inspection properties ShowIndividualNote and NoteVisible are both set to False, then the inspector is prompted to enter corrective action information after the Submit (sub-inspection data) button is pressed.
If selected,
the sub-inspection properties NoteVisible
and ShowIndividualNote
must obey the following:
If NoteVisible is True, then ShowIndividualNote must also be True.
If ShowIndividualNote is False, then NoteVisible must also be False.
Force items individually
If selected, you can customize which corrective actions (if any) are required when a real-time failure is present. Any required corrective actions must be entered from the test's Individual Note (next to the test). Or, if the sub-inspection properties ShowIndividualNote and NoteVisible are both set to False, then the inspector is prompted to enter corrective action information after the Submit (sub-inspection data) button is pressed.
If requiring one or more corrective actions,
the sub-inspection properties NoteVisible
and ShowIndividualNote
must obey the following:
If NoteVisible is True, then ShowIndividualNote must also be True.
If ShowIndividualNote is False, then NoteVisible must also be False.
You can optionally choose to execute a formula for a Numeric Input test when certain conditions are met during a running inspection.
For PC Collect inspections, they are added to inspections using the PythonScript property for the Formula test in the Inspection Editor
For GS Collect inspections, they are added using the FormulaMobile property for the Formula test in the Inspection Editor
See the OnChange topic for specifics about conditions that trigger the execution when a Numeric Input test is used in a sub-inspection with a formula.