When installing GainSeeker on a traditional client/server network, you should install GainSeeker at all client workstations, not at the server itself.
When installing GainSeeker on a terminal server with Citrix or Terminal Services, you must run the GainSeeker installation at the terminal server.
When installing GainSeeker on a web server or intranet server for use with GS Analyze or GainSeeker Mobile Web Service, you must run the GainSeeker installation at the web server or intranet server.
Local Administrator on the client
Full permissions (all except Supervisory rights) to the Shared data folder on the network
Access to the GainSeeker database
Client must meet the System Requirements, including:
Microsoft .Net Framework versions 3.5 Service Pack 1 and 4.8 (may require a computer reboot)
Database client and/or ADO.NET driver (for all databases except Microsoft SQL Server)
This is especially useful for error-proofing the installation process and preparing for an automated (silent) installation.
In the installation package, you can edit \SPC\DISK1\Setup.ini to specify the shared data folder for step 3 below.
If GainSeeker is not already installed on the client, but the Setup.ini is configured with a config_path, the installer will automatically detect this information and will not display that step.
If GainSeeker is already installed on the client, the installer will automatically detect the config_path from the Cms.ini file in the local Windows folder (typically C:\Windows) and will not display that step.
Recommended practice is to copy the installation package (or the \SPC\DISK1\ folder) to a local drive on the client before running the installation. Alternately, a network drive can be used.
If you run the client installation from a network folder, it may be necessary
to run it as a Domain Administrator or log in to the client operating
system as a Domain Administrator (depending on the security settings for
your network). If you run the client installation from a local drive,
Local Administrator permissions are usually sufficient.
To view available command line parameters for the installation program, run \SPC\DISK1\SETUP.EXE /? .
Current parameters for the installation include /LOG:"filepath\filename" for minimal logging (including Msi error codes), /LOGMSI:"filepath\filename" for verbose logging, and /Q to run the installation silently. You can specify any combination of these parameters, if desired.
If the installation does not detect all of the settings shown in the steps below, it will display a prompt for the user to enter the missing information - even in silent mode.
If GainSeeker data already exists on your network, you may need to have some or all network users exit all GainSeeker modules before you can successfully install this version of GainSeeker:
When installing this version of GainSeeker on a workstation, you must close all GainSeeker modules before launching the installation.
When using GainSeeker on terminal server with Citrix or Terminal Services, all GainSeeker users must close all GainSeeker modules before you install this version of GainSeeker. If any of the shared files on the terminal server are locked when you try to install GainSeeker, the installation cannot be successfully completed.
If upgrading from GainSeeker version 8.7 or previous, on a Citrix or Terminal Services implementation where users are assigned their own Home directories, it is recommended that you edit the Cms.ini file in the shared Windows folder and remove the physid= setting (if present).
Do not uninstall previous versions of GainSeeker before installing GainSeeker v9.6.
From the GainSeeker installation package - or from a local or network copy of the installation package - run \SPC\DISK1\SETUP.EXE , with or without command line parameters.
(Do not try to run the .msi file to install GainSeeker. The SETUP.EXE must perform several tasks before it launches the .msi.)
In silent mode, this step will not be displayed.
Choose a folder for the GainSeeker program files.
In silent mode, the default folder will be used, and this step will not be displayed.
If GainSeeker is already installed on this client, the installer will automatically detect the config_path from the Cms.ini file in the local Windows folder (typically C:\Windows) and will not display this step.
If GainSeeker is not already installed on this client, but the Setup.ini is configured with a config_path, the installer will automatically detect this information and will not display this step.
Specify a network file path where shared data files exist (or should be placed).
It is strongly recommended that you specify a UNC path rather than a mapped network drive.
If you need to use a mapped network drive and have problems during the installation, you may need to follow the instructions in this Microsoft support article or use the Client update with mapped network drive described below.
If you use a UNC path but receive erroneous error messages (that the specified folder is not a valid short file name, or that there is no disk space in the specified folder), ensure that the current user has "read attributes" permission on the share base folder and is able to check volume information. (This is a known issue with the Windows MSI installer.)
If the folder you specify does not exist, the installation program will attempt to create it for you.
The path you specify will become the config_path= setting in Cms.ini on this workstation.
In silent mode, this step will not be displayed.
If GainSeeker is already installed on your network, the installer will automatically detect this information from the file path on step 3 and will not display this step.
Click the Database Provider list and select the provider that is appropriate for your GainSeeker database:
GainSeeker database: |
Data Provider: |
SQL Server |
SQLClient |
Oracle |
OracleClient |
Pervasive (database mode) |
Pervasive PSQL |
Enter the other information on this window that is needed to connect to your GainSeeker database.
The fields provided on this window will
vary with the type of Data Provider
you selected. For some fields, you can click the
button to fill the list of options and then the drop-down arrow to show
the list again. For an Oracle database, the Database
server you specify will actually be the Oracle
Net Service Name you have
set up on the workstation.
You can also use the Options box to enter any additional connection string parameters that do not match any of the other fields provided on this window. More information can be found at the web addresses listed below:
GainSeeker database: |
Data Provider: |
more information at: |
SQL Server |
SQLClient |
Oracle |
OracleClient |
Pervasive |
Pervasive PSQL |
Click Test to test the database connection.
If the test was not successful, you will need to change one or more settings before saving the database connection.
After the database connection has been successfully tested, click OK.
If GainSeeker is already installed on your network, the installer will automatically detect this information from the file path on step 3 and from the database connection above, and will not display this step.
Click Yes, then navigate to the license file that was provided to you (typically named GS_Suite.lic). (If you do not have a license file, you will be prompted again to import it when you try to run a GainSeeker module such as LaunchPad or System Administration.)
After the license file is imported, GainSeeker will display the details of your license and serial number:
The first GainSeeker client installation on your network will automatically run the Table Creation Utility to scan all GainSeeker configurations and create any new or missing tables or file paths. If file paths are missing, it may prompt the user about creating them - even in silent mode.
All other GainSeeker client installations for this version of GainSeeker will skip this step.
If you are upgrading from a GainSeeker version prior to 8.4, the following changes may be automatically applied to your GainSeeker database:
Create new table HSISCRIPTS
Create new table SCRIPTARCHIVE
Create new table HSICT
Create new table INSPECTIONUID
If upgrading from GainSeeker version 8.7 or previous, on a Citrix or Terminal Services implementation where users are assigned their own Home directories, you may need to reset the PhysID= and User_Name= settings for those Terminal Services users. This is because GainSeeker versions 8.8 and later now set and read these three settings in a new user-specific Usershared.settings file and may not be able to read the previous settings from their former location.
In a multisession application hosting environment such as Citrix and Windows Terminal Services, it is not necessary to install GainSeeker on additional workstations.
However, you may need to perform one or more of the following steps after installing GainSeeker on your terminal server:
During installation on Windows Vista (or later), changes may be made to the Cms.ini in the Virtual Store folder instead of the Windows Folder. It is a best practice to copy the Cms.ini file from the Virtual Store folder to the Windows folder. When other Windows users log into that workstation to run GainSeeker, it uses the Cms.ini file in the Windows Folder as a base file, which copies to that user's Virtual Store folder.
After installing GainSeeker, ensure that your GainSeeker database and your shared data folder will be backed up regularly.
Do not uninstall previous versions of GainSeeker after installing GainSeeker v9.6.
If upgrading from GainSeeker 8.0 - 8.3.1: For each configuration that uses a different set of tables, you will probably want to update the table names for the HSISCRIPTS, SCRIPTARCHIVE, INSPECTIONUID, and HSICT tables. Then use the Check for Tables button to automatically create the new table names.
(Pervasive.SQL database only) If you have not already done so, convert your database from file mode to database mode.
(optional) Install the sample data.
(optional) Install GS Analyze or on your web server or intranet server. If upgrading GS Analyze from version 9.2.1 or earlier, you must update the web.config file on the web server.
(optional) Install GainSeeker Mobile Web Service on your web server or intranet server.
(optional) Install OPC components for PC Collect data entry.
If you are updating a workstation or server where GainSeeker is already installed, use a mapped network drive, and have problems accessing mapped network drives during the client installation, you can use the following instructions to perform a local version of the client update that does not require network access:
Copy the installation package (or the \SPC\DISK1\ folder) to a local drive on the client.
In the local copy of the installation package, edit \SPC\DISK1\Setup.ini and set the local= parameter to True .
From the local copy of the installation package, run \SPC\DISK1\SETUP.EXE (with or without command line parameters).
Because this local client update does not perform any steps that require network access, best practice is to perform the full client installation from at least one workstation or server on your network. If this is not possible, you may need to import a License File, and you should run the Table Creation Utility - once for each configuration - from one GainSeeker client on your network (after running this local client update).
You can use any software deployment tool such as PDQ Deploy to push an automated installation to client workstations.
Best practice is to:
Ensure that all GainSeeker clients meet the System Requirements, including:
Microsoft .Net Framework versions 3.5 Service Pack 1 and 4.8 (may require a computer reboot)
Database client and/or ADO.NET driver (for all databases except Microsoft SQL Server)
Manually install the latest version of GainSeeker on any
single client
workstation, using the steps above.
This will perform any necessary changes to the GainSeeker
database or the Shared
data folder on the network. Some of these changes cannot be
performed silently, and most of these changes can be auto-detected
and skipped for the remaining GainSeeker client installations.
Use your software deployment tool to create an automated package that performs the following steps:
Close all running GainSeeker modules.
Switch to a network user with the required permissions.
Copy the installation package (or the \SPC\DISK1\ folder) to a local drive on the client.
In the local copy of the installation package, configure Setup.ini to specify the shared data folder for step 3.
From the local copy of the installation package, run this command line with these parameters:
\SPC\DISK1\SETUP.EXE /Q /LOGMSI:"filepath\filename"