Parameters to open and email a desktop

To configure a shortcut to open and email a desktop, the shortcut must provide two things:

The name of the desktop will be displayed in the e-mail Subject field.

Specifying which desktop to send:

For the following modules:

Add to target line

How these modules function

GainSeeker Charts GainSeeker can execute these actions in the GainSeeker Charts module using different parameters than those featured in this topic.
  • SPC Charts and Reports

  • DMS Charts and Reports

  • Enterprise Dashboard

-DE:"desktop name"

Each time you start this shortcut, the program will automatically open and email the specified desktop.

-DEC:"desktop name"

Each time you start this shortcut, the program will automatically open and email the specified desktop. When finished, the program will close.

Enterprise Dashboard

Note: If you do not have GainSeeker Publish, GainSeeker ignores the file path and file name you specify, and a file of the specified type is automatically created for you in your Windows TEMP path.  You can contact the Hertzler Sales team for information about purchasing GainSeeker Publish.

-DL -DE:"file_path\filename.ext"

With the Enterprise Dashboard module, you can use the - DL parameter to specify that multiple desktops will be e-mailed and create a text file that lists the desktops to email. For details on creating this text file, see Processing multiple desktops in the Enterprise Dashboard module.

Then use the - DE or - DEC parameter to specify the name and location of this text file.

-DL -DEC:"file_path\filename.ext"

Specifying email addresses:

For the following modules:

Add to target line

How these modules function

  • SPC Charts and Reports

  • DMS Charts and Reports

  • Enterprise Dashboard

Note: If you do not have GainSeeker Publish, GainSeeker will ignore the file path and file name you specify, and a file of the specified type will automatically be created for you in your Windows TEMP path. Also, if you do not have GainSeeker Publish and you specify an email address, it will not send it as an email. You can contact the Hertzler Sales Team for information about purchasing GainSeeker Publish.


Use this parameter to specify a single email address.


To specify multiple email addresses, create a text file containing only email addresses—one on each line of the file.

Then use this parameter to specify the name and location of this text file.


Note: To be considered valid, an email address must contain the '@' and '.' characters, and it must not contain any spaces. If no valid email addresses are specified, the desktop will not open.