Standard overrides settings for SPC charts

If you want to analyze data as if its standards were configured differently—without actually changing those standards—you can expand the Standard overrides tree and change the settings.


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Navigating to these settings

The Standard overrides node is located at the top level on the Settings tab:

For help with using tree structures like the one on the Settings tab, see Navigating Tree Structures

Standard overrides settings

Some of the standard settings will impact the statistics you report in different ways. These standard settings can be grouped as follows:

Settings that will only change the statistic that reports that standard setting:

Standard override setting:

Affects this statistic:

Data entry constant

Data entry constant



DMS Part Number

DMS Part Number

DMS Process

DMS Process

Limits \ Lower reasonable limit

Lower reasonable limit

Limits \ Upper reasonable limit

Upper reasonable limit

Limits \ Target R

Target R

Meas. unit

Meas. unit

Miscellaneous \
Write data without failures
to the monitor tables

Standard flags

Miscellaneous \
Write data with failures
to the monitor tables

Standard flags

Part Number

Part Number

Note: This standard override is not applied to Data Tables.

Real-time checks

Real-time checks

Scaling \ Scale high range

Scale high range

Scaling \ Scale high X-Bar

Scale high X-Bar

Scaling \ Scale low X-Bar

Scale low X-Bar

Standard subgroup size

Standard subgroup size

Standard variables 1-4

Standard variable 1 - 4

Settings that will also affect the formatting of some other statistics (in addition to changing the statistics that report these standard settings):

Standard override

this statistic:

Also affects the numeric formatting
of other statistics such as:

Decimal places

Decimal places

Mean, R-Bar, UCLx, LCLx



(when Use Exponent is checked
and Exponent is not 0)

Mean, R-Bar, UCLx, LCLx

Use exponent

Use exponent

Settings that will also affect the calculation of some other statistics (in addition to changing the statistics that report these standard settings):

Standard override

these statistics:

Also affects the calculation
of other statistics such as:

Limits \ Lower Gate

Lower Gate

% below Gate

Limits \ Lower Ind. Limit

Lower Ind. Gate

% below Ind. Gate

Limits \ Lower range Gate

Lower range Gate

Nominal range Gate, Tolerance range Gate

Limits \ Lower Spec

Lower Spec

Cpk, % out of Spec

Limits \ Target X

Target X

% above target, Nominal Spec

Limits \ Upper Gate

Upper Gate

% above Gate

Limits \ Upper Ind. Limit

Upper Ind. Gate

% above Ind. Gate

Limits \ Upper range Gate

Upper range Gate

Nominal range Gate, Tolerance range Gate

Limits \ Upper Spec

Upper Spec

Cpk, % out of Spec

Range chart

Range chart


Miscellaneous \
Lower Control Limit
cannot be less than zero

Lower Control limit cannot be less than zero

Standard flags


Meas. system

Meas. system

Cpk, UCLx, LCLx, Mean, R-Bar

More information

For more information on individual settings in standards, see Creating and editing standards.