The TRACE_OPT command configures special options for traceability columns.

To enable or disable one or more of these options, the TRACE_OPT command(s) must be executed before the template reaches the traceability columns being configured.

When a new data entry session is opened (for example: Quick Start, Template, Planned Session, or Stored Session), all of these options are returned to their default settings.


TRACE_OPT option_number, trace_id, setting_number

Valid options for the option_number, trace_id, and setting_number parameters are as follows:





Reset all TRACE_OPT settings to their default values.

Trace_id and setting_number should both be 0.


Enable or disable the traceability priority list for one traceability column or for all traceability columns.

This command enables or disables the traceability priority list for data entry. The trace_id and setting_number parameters determine which traceability lists use the priority list and which use the full list.

Trace_id must be one of the following:

  • 0 - Apply this command to all traceability fields. This allows you to use only one TRACE_OPT command to set all traceability fields to the traceability list or to the full traceability list.

  • 1–48 - Apply this command to the specified traceability field. For example, to configure the list for traceability field 7, the value for trace_id is 7.

Setting_number must be one of the following:

  • 1 - use the priority list.

For example:

    • Trace_id at 0 and setting_number at 1 configures all traceability fields to use the traceability priority list

    • Trace_id at 7 and setting_number at 1 configures only traceability field 7 to use the traceability priority list

Note: During data entry, if the user has rights to change to the full traceability list, the last option displayed on the traceability priority list will be Show full traceability list. Clicking this option will display the full traceability list.

If the user does not have rights to change to the full traceability list, and the traceability column requires that values Must come from a pre-defined list, the user will only be able to select values from the priority list. Any other values entered in this traceability column, including those in the full traceability list, will not be accepted during data entry.

  • 0 - use the full traceability list.

For example:

    • Trace_id at 0 and setting_number at 0 configures all traceability fields to use the full traceability list

    • Trace_id at 7 and setting_number at 0 configures only traceability field 7 to use the full traceability list


Configure a traceability column to automatically display the predefined list.

This command will override the Show ... list automatically setting on step 4 of the Template Wizard. This is useful if you want to display the list automatically in some cases (e.g., when running in PDA mode) but not in others.

Trace_id must be:

  • a number from 148. It determines which traceability field is being configured.

Setting_number must be one of the following:

  • 1 to automatically display the list
  • 0 to disable the automatic display


Configure a traceability column so the value must come from a predefined list.

This command will override the Must come from a predefined list setting on step 4 of the Template Wizard.

Trace_id must be:

  • a number from 148. It determines which traceability field is being configured.

Setting_number must be one of the following:

  • 1 to require the value to come from a predefined list
  • 0 to allow any value


Configure a traceability column to require entry of a value.

This command will override the Require entry when using this template setting on step 4 of the Template Wizard.

Trace_id must be:

  • a number from 148. It determines which traceability field is being configured.

Setting_number must be one of the following:

  • 1 to require entry of a value in the traceability field
  • 0 to allow the traceability field to be left empty


Configure a traceability column to display a list of values from a string array.

Instead of displaying the full traceability list or the traceability priority list for traceability field n, you can use this command to display a list of values from MySArr "Trace_n".

If enabled, this command will display the values from consecutive indexes in the MySArr, starting with index 1 and incrementing by 1 until the first empty index is found. These values will be displayed in order by index. See the example code below.

Trace_id must be:

  • a number from 148. It determines which traceability field is being configured.

Setting_number must be one of the following:

  • 1 to display the list of values from MySArr "Trace_n"
  • 0 to revert to the list of values configured by TRACE_OPT 1 - either the full traceability list or the traceability priority list


TRACE_OPT 1, 6, 1
Turns on the traceability priority list function, and configures traceability field 6 to display the traceability priority list instead of the full traceability list.

TRACE_OPT 1, 0, 0
Configures all traceability fields to display the full traceability list instead of the traceability priority list.

TRACE_OPT 3, 2, 1
Configures traceability field 2 to force the user to select the value from a predefined list.

MySArr "Trace_3", 1 = "LATCH 14729" :
MySArr "Trace_3", 2 = "LATCH 15136" :
MySArr "Trace_3", 3 = "NO LATCH" :
TRACE_OPT 5, 3, 1
Configures traceability field 3 to display the list of values in MySArr "Trace_3" instead of the full traceability list or the traceability priority list.