File Import Wizard - Overview

The File Import Wizard allows you to quickly create a template to read in text files.  The wizard will walk you through six steps to collect data from a text file and store the data in either the GainSeeker SPC or DMS databases.  There are many options available when using the wizard, and the resulting template can be edited in the Template Wizard to customize it even more.

To create, duplicate or edit templates with the File Import Wizard, begin at the main screen of the SPC Designer module.  Click the File menu, and then select File Import Wizard.  Only templates created in the File Import Wizard can be edited or duplicated in the File Import Wizard.

Note: If you have many templates that were created before you installed GainSeeker 7.4 and you try to edit or duplicate a template created by the File Import Wizard, the initial screen of the File Import Wizard may be very slow to display.  
One way to speed up this process is to edit and re-save each of your existing templates in the Template Wizard, without making any changes to the template contents.
Another way to edit a template initially created in the File Import Wizard is to begin at the main menu of the SPC Designer module, right-click the name of the template, then click Edit using File Import Wizard.



Caution editing File Import Wizard templates

File Import Wizard: Step 1

File Import Wizard: Step 2

File Import Wizard: Step 3

File Import Wizard: Step 4

File Import Wizard: Step 5

File Import Wizard: Step 6

File Import Wizard - Additional Information