Control Charts -- Step 4: Defects, Filters and Statistics

Step 4 in the Control Chart Builder is selecting what data to include and exclude. The Defect Management System program gives you three ways to narrow your analysis. Access these options from the tabs for Defects, Filters and Statistics.


For detailed information on selecting defects, see Defect tab


The Filter tab permits a specialized selection of data. See Filter Tab


Use the Statistics tab to calculate:

The default is based on the setting in System Administration.

What do the three choices mean?

Exclude statistical outliers

You may choose whether to include all data in your retrieval or to exclude outliers. Outliers are observations that fall outside normal statistical limits due to specific cause variation. Excluding outliers for special causes may give a better picture of how your process is performing.

After you have completed this step, click on Finish to see the chart or charts you have created.

Note: By choosing Add Outliers from the Statistics tab in Data Entry, you can display all outliers and their reasons. This information displays in the same way it does in Charts and Reports. If modifications are made to the data or it is refreshed, the outlier information is cleared and must be added again.