Debugging a Python Script

After selecting a script in the Python Script Editor, you can use toolbar buttons to run the debugger.


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Debugging scripts in an Inspection

  1. Use any of these methods to begin debugging:

  2. When the Python Script Editor is displayed, click any code-only scripts that may be executed by the inspection and insert breakpoints where desired. For Action-based scripts in an inspection, it is not possible to insert breakpoints.

  3. From any script in the Python Script Editor, click the Start button (or press F5) or the Step button (or press F8).
    If debugging an Action-based script, use the Step button (because breakpoints are not available).

  4. The debugger will launch the Inspection, and Python scripts will be triggered by Formula tests in the Inspection.
    If stopping at breakpoints or stepping through the code, the Python Script Editor will be displayed, and you can use the buttons and tools described below.

Inserting Breakpoints

You can insert breakpoints to pause the debugger before it executes certain lines of code.

You can add and remove breakpoints before you launch the debugger and any time the debugger is paused.

To insert a breakpoint, click in the area to the left of the line number. You cannot insert a breakpoint on an empty line.

To clear a breakpoint, click it.

Running the Debugger

There are two ways to run the debugger:

Note: When you first launch the debugger for a script, it begins code execution from the top of the script.

When the debugger is paused - either because of a breakpoint or because you are stepping through the code line by line - the debugger stops before the highlighted line of code is executed. At this point you can click the Start button to continue running the script, click the Step button to execute the highlighted line of code, or execute additional Python commands.

Monitoring Debugger information

While the debugger is running, new panels display a console window and Local Variables.

Values that you print to console are displayed in the upper panel. You can edit or delete text in this panel. To jump to the start or the end of the panel's contents, click the panel and then press Ctrl+Home or Ctrl+End.

Values of Python variables, lists, and dictionaries are displayed in the lower panel.

Testing additional Python commands

While the debugger is running, you cannot change the code in the script.

However, you can enter ad-hoc Python commands for the debugger to execute. To do so, type a command in the box at the bottom of the debugger and then click Execute. You can also click the arrow button to select a previously-entered command.

Pausing or Stopping the Debugger

To pause a running script, click the Pause button . At this point you can click the Start button to continue running the script, click the Step button to execute the highlighted line of code, or execute additional Python commands.

To stop debugging the script, click the Stop button or press the Esc key.