Corrective Action Lists

Each SPC data record that you store, analyze, or edit can be assigned one or more corrective actions. Events, Causes, and Actions Taken can be defined using the Corrective Action List dialog.


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Accessing the Corrective Action List dialog

You can change or add to the list of SPC Corrective Actions using the Corrective Action List dialog that is accessible from the:

Building corrective action lists

When you apply a corrective action to data, you are limited to the values that you have predefined for each corrective action field.

You will need to define two items for each Event, Cause or Action Taken, including:

Adding a new Event, Cause, or Action Taken to a corrective action list

Click the Event, Cause, or Action Taken tab on the Corrective Action Lists dialog. Then, click New.

The Add New Event (or Add New Cause or Add New Action taken, depending on which tab page you have displayed) dialog opens.

Short Description (displays on charts)

In the Short Description (displays on charts) box, enter an abbreviation of up to four characters. This abbreviation is displayed on charts.

Long Description

Enter a longer description of up to 60 characters in the Long Description box. This description displays when you attach a corrective action item to a data point and when you display the corrective action in a data table or report .

Show Everywhere

Most corrective actions will use this option. When selected, this corrective action can be added to any SPC data record.

Hide in Data Entry

When selected, this corrective action will be hidden from corrective action lists during initial data entry, but it can be assigned to a data record when editing stored data and notes.

Hide Everywhere

When selected, this corrective action cannot be assigned to any SPC data records - either during initial data entry or when editing stored data and notes. This option is used to remove an obsolete value from use.

SPC data records already stored with this corrective action will still display it. Editing an SPC data record that is stored with this corrective action may remove that corrective action from the record.

Corrective actions set to Hide Everywhere are still displayed when creating a filter and when using the GainSeeker Lists module.

To add another new item to the corrective action list:

To finish adding new items to this corrective action list:

Editing an item on the corrective action list

Use caution when editing corrective action list items because any historical data that contains this corrective action will reflect any changes that you make. For this reason, Edit should only be used for small changes to the short or long description of the corrective action item. Do not use Edit to change the overall meaning of a corrective action value.

To edit a corrective action list item:

Deleting items from corrective action lists

After an item has been deleted, it can still be viewed on historical data to which it may have been applied. All users are now prevented from assigning it to any data record.

To delete a corrective action item from the predefined list of events, causes, or actions taken: