Image test

Add an Image test to the sub-inspection to display images in the sub-inspection. This might be used for displaying a schematic or instructional information about the inspected product.

There are some differences in the way this test functions on PC (using the PC Collect module) vs. iPad (using the GS Collect app):

You can see an example of how an Image test is displayed on PC and on iPad.

Not all of the sub-inspection test toolbar buttons are technically "tests." For simplicity, that term is used in this topic to describe all of the sub-inspection test toolbar buttons.


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Adding an Image test to a sub-inspection

  1. Click the Image toolbar button to add this test to the sub-inspection.

  2. Set any properties for this test on the Properties panel that displays after the test is added.

Image test properties descriptions

All properties apply to inspections run in the PC Collect module. Properties that apply to mobile inspections are indicated in the Mobile column below.





One Image test can specify up to three pictures - Left, Center, and Right.

A thumbnail image with optional text label is displayed for each picture. This property specifies that text label.

For any of these locations, you can specify a text label for the corresponding image file. For example, the ImageLabelLeft specifies the text label for the LeftImage picture. If a text label is not specified, the thumbnail image is displayed without any text label.




Behavior & Data


One Image test can specify up to three pictures - Left, Center, and Right.

For any of these locations, specify the file name for the picture.

  • If a filename is specified with no file path, GainSeeker looks for the file in the User Documents 2 folder.

  • The file name cannot contain spaces.

  • [Mobile] Valid file name extensions are jpg, jpeg, png, gif, and bmp.

Note for images on Mobile inspections:
Each filename will be downloaded onto the mobile device only once. This means that if you change the image file, you should also change its filename. It also means that you should not use the same filename for different pictures in different folders.


