URL/HTML/File test

There are some differences in the way this test functions on PC (using the PC Collect module) vs. iPad (using the GS Collect app):

Not all of the tests are technically "tests." For simplicity, that term is used to describe all of the sub-inspection test toolbar buttons.


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Adding a URL/HTML/File test to a sub-inspection

URL/HTML/File test properties descriptions

All properties apply to inspections run in the PC Collect module. Properties that apply to mobile inspections are indicated in the Mobile column below.

Property and Category

Default setting or default display





Text that is displayed to the inspector for this file, HTML, or URL.

  • PC: This text is displayed under the thumbnail on the right-side panel.

  • Mobile: This becomes link text for the inspector to click.


Behavior & Data



See how this test displays in a PC Collect inspection

URL. The contents of the URL/Contents property are interpreted as a website or web link.

HTML. The contents of the URL/Contents property are interpreted as raw HTML.

File. The contents of the URL/Contents property are interpreted as a file.




Enter the URL of the web page to display. Google Docs are supported as valid URLs for both Mobile and PC data collection.

For PC: Enter the full path to display for an Office document, PDF file, etc. To display a file, you must set the DisplayType property to File.

For PC: If using HTML DisplayType, it is the HTML code to display.

For files, specify the full path with the file name. If no path is given, the file is looked for in the User Documents 2 folder. The file name cannot contain spaces.

Note: Windows that display HTML code, HTML files, .pdf files, or webpages (URLs), use elements of Microsoft Internet Explorer security and settings.

Also see Displaying PDFs and Office documents

You can double-click on the URL/HTML/File test to edit this property.