General Improvements with GainSeeker versions 8.4.2, 8.4.1, 8.4


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Upgrading to Version 8.4.0 and Service Packs (SP) 8.4.2 and 8.4.1

The GainSeeker Installing or Upgrading instructions for the System Requirements have been changed to reflect this information:

What's New in GainSeeker SP 8.4.2

Determine which users have rights to run or edit unembedded (stand alone) GainSeeker Python scripts from the PC Collect module

Some circumstances under which charts draw and update during an inspection have changed since version 8.4.1

You can disable or enable a test in a running inspection through Python commands.

You can display the date and time of the most recent login by each user, and the name of the computer from which each user logged in. This can be helpful in determining which of your user names may be inactive.

What's New in GainSeeker SP 8.4.1

Highly customize the inspection process in PC Collect with Python scripts

Python scripts can now be added to inspections and run in PC Collect inspections. This lets you create highly customized inspections to meet the needs of your organization.

Draw a Pareto chart from an SPC data table

Now you can draw a Pareto chart using the data in an SPC Data Table in the GainSeeker Charts module. The Pareto chart gives you a comprehensive view of individual data records in the table. It is useful for seeing how your data points are distributed among various traceability and corrective action categories.

You can also drill down on the Pareto chart bars to get to the root causes of variation in your process.

Run inspections directly from the GainSeeker Inspections module

Now you can design and run an inspection from the same module. This feature eliminates having to switch between PC Collect and the GainSeeker Inspections module. This can be useful for testing how an inspection that you are designing will perform in run mode.

Regular expressions can be used in part number searches

Using regular expressions when searching for a list of part numbers is re-implemented in GainSeeker.

Python commands for use with GainSeeker is expanded

Python scripting can be used to extend the capabilities of these modules:

See Python Commands table for specifics.

New Python Serial Setup Action

Configure serial port connections to automatically generate in a Python script.

New parameters for opening PC Collect Python Scripts and inspections

Associate multiple Active Directory users/group with a specified GainSeeker user

Now you can associate multiple Active Directory users and groups with a specified GainSeeker user.

Button dashboard control click can run a Python Script or PC Collect Inspection

New and updated template commands for GainSeeker's traditional Data Entry module

Add a desktop to a priority list when the desktop is first saved

View printable process defects lists in a text editor

Now you can view a printable list of all defects or defects associated with a specific process.

Optional GainSeeker usage statistics collection

GainSeeker gives you the option to allow Hertzler Systems to collect anonymous statistical information regarding your usage of some GainSeeker features. Having this information helps us to identify and enhance these features. You can easily modify your participation preference at any time.

What's new in GainSeeker Version 8.4

PC Collect inspections

PC Collect is GainSeeker's updated interface for conducting inspections on PCs. It is patterned after the GS Collect for mobile device inspections. This similarity offers cross-capability for running inspections on either device type.

GS Collect and PC Collect Inspections are created using the Inspection Editor in the GainSeeker Inspections module. Many features that formerly required template writing have been integrated into the inspection creation process. PC Collect and GS Collect can be used in addition to GainSeeker's SPC Data Entry and DMS Data Entry modules.

PC Collect features include:

Important information for Flex DE users (PC inspections published in versions 8.3 or 8.3.1)

New Big Data dashboard controls simplify today's analytics

The new Big Data Analytics dashboard controls for SPC and DMS data can display vast amounts of data at a time to help you know where to focus your efforts. Recognition colors for results that fall within limits you specify help you quickly identify data range groups at a glance. You can select a row and draw charts with that data by clicking a button.

The following is an example of the SPC control displaying continuous and discrete data grids. Clicking a header regroups the data.

For more information, see Big Data Analytics dashboard controls

Active Directory integration with GainSeeker

Python is an accessible, relatively easy-to-learn and accessible scripting language that Hertzler Systems is excited to integrate with GainSeeker beginning with this release. It gives you greater capability to expand the functionality of GainSeeker and to automate customized data analytics in a readable syntax.

Python is currently only used in the GainSeeker Charts module and the System Administration module, but look for expansion of its use in future GainSeeker releases.

People who are familiar working with other programming or scripting languages are encouraged to explore the use of Python with GainSeeker. See the Python website for more information about this scripting language.

New Python Designer dashboard control

The Python Designer dashboard control has ready-made actions that help you write your Python script. You can automatically generate script for DMS and SPC retrievals, SQL queries, displaying webpages, data input forms, and more. Use the GainSeeker Python Design Library to download examples of ready-made dashboard controls.

Create your own custom statistics with Python script

You can use Python script to create custom SPC and DMS statistics for use throughout the GainSeeker Charts module (not the Legacy GainSeeker modules and Dynamic Reports).

They can be used wherever current statistics are used in these modules, including Statistics lists or Bar and Dial Gage dashboard controls.

The statistics you create are included in lists of available statistics along with those traditionally used in GainSeeker. Use the GainSeeker Python Statistics Library to download examples of ready-made dashboard controls.

GainSeeker Python Library features useful ready-made commands

Use these commands to access and format date and time information, place controls on a screen, interface with MTConnect agents, and more in your Python scripts.

Optional GainSeeker usage statistics collection

GainSeeker gives you the option to allow Hertzler Systems to collect anonymous statistical information regarding your usage of some GainSeeker features. Having this information helps us to identify and enhance these features. You can easily modify your participation preference at any time.

Improved search feature in System Administration module

The System Administration module features improved Search fields on the Users, Roles, and Configurations tabs. You must have a branch of the tree open for GainSeeker to display Search results.

For example, the TOUR DATABASE configuration branch is expanded in the following example. Enter text for part or all of Configurations setting label or value (or a setting or value contained in the Users or Roles tabs) to have GainSeeker display results that contain the text you enter in the Search field. Results display in the right column.

OEE secondary grouping and other OEE analytics enhancements

Second-level grouping on OEE charts:

This example displays bars grouped by two traceabilities: Machine and Shift. The bars are grouped by machine with individual bars featuring unique colors to represent each shift (1, 2, and 3). A color legend also displays on the chart.

Display only the top n or lowest n values on OEE bar charts option

The Top / Bottom n Values setting lets you choose whether to display all bars on an OEE chart or only the top n or lowest n values.

For example, displaying only the top n values when you track multiple machines can help you quickly identify your machines with the least problems.

OEE Charts quick-start button now on the GainSeeker Charts module window

See OEE Charts for details.

New and updated template commands, other enhancements

Updated or new template commands for version 8.4:

GainSeeker converts three backslashes ( \\\ ) to two ( \\ ) for literal (UNC) filename parameters (for example:  \\\hsdc01xz\data\xfer\mtc.htm). If you were to instead use two backslashes as in this example, \\hsdc01xz\data\xfer\mtc.htm , it results in a filename of \hsdc01xz\data\xfer\mtc.htm , which is invalid as a UNC. This is because the double backslash is considered an escape sequence, and the system auto-converts it to a single backslash.

However, if the filename parameter is a variable (for example: MySvar "Path"), use should only use two backslashes. Using three slashes in this event causes an error.

If you are upgrading from GainSeeker version 8.0 or earlier and using UNC paths, you must update your templates to reflect this.

Notes now display as tool tips on Control charts

When you click a data point on a Control chart, any notes associated with that point now display along with the data point value.

X-axis label improvements for charts

Y-axis scaling for proportional data

Now you can choose to scale the Y-axis for proportional data on a DPU chart by Ratio or by one of these pre-existing options: DPB/PPB, DPK/PPK, DPM/PPM, Percent.

Drag added text or arrows on a chart to a different location

Add new measurement units for standards

Inspection Editor enhancements include these and more:

New parameters to automatically perform functions

New GainSeeker database tables

Recreate Missing standards and editing standards now in the Standard Utility

You can use the new Recreate Missing standards button the Standard Utility in the GainSeeker Utility module to have GainSeeker search for part numbers that have data, but for which no standard has been created. You can then opt to recreate the standard from this feature.

You can use the new Edit button on the Standard Utility to perform various actions for standards, including creating new standards, changing existing standard information, deleting standards, and printing standard information.

Information about previous GainSeeker versions