Using the Notes feature - PC Collect

Two types of Note buttons may display on a sub-inspection:


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Notes that apply to all tests on the sub-inspection

The Note button at the bottom of the sub-inspection allows the inspector to enter notes that are stored with all the tests on the sub-inspection.

When this Note button is clicked, the Enter Note window is used to enter notes for the sub-inspection.

Notes that apply to a specific test

The Note button for a test allows the inspector to enter notes and corrective action information that is stored with only that test. It can also display all of the underlying data and traceability values that will be stored for that test.

When the inspector clicks this test-specific Note button, the Enter Note window is used to enter notes and corrective action information for only that test. For a test that stores SPC data, the inspector can also mark this record as an Anchor point.


Individual Note for a test that stores DMS data




Individual Note for a test that stores SPC data


Note: If a sub-inspection contains Traceability tests for corrective actions (DMS Event, SPC Event, SPC Cause, and/or SPC Action Taken), any corrective actions entered on the Individual Note will be stored in the data record for that test (instead of the value from the corresponding corrective action Traceability test on the sub-inspection).

You can also click the button in the upper right corner to view any data and/or traceability values already set for that test. (These values can be set by any combination of: tests on the current sub-inspection; tests on a previously submitted sub-inspection; inspection settings; and/or Python scripts. These values can change until the moment when this sub-inspection is Submitted.)

To hide the data and traceability values, click the button.

Notes Required when Failures occur

An inspector can be required to enter notes and/or corrective actions if a defect or real-time failure is present.

In the following example, the inspector is required to enter notes and/or corrective actions if the Pass/Fail test fails:

The blue exclamation symbol at the left side of the test indicates that the sub-inspection cannot be submitted until some action is taken on this test. You can click this symbol to see what action is needed.

In the example above:

Notes for inspection designers

Using other PC Collect features