Adding a Note

To attach a note to a data subgroup before saving the subgroup, follow the steps below:

  1. If you are entering data for multiple standards, make sure you are in an input cell for the standard for which you will attach a note to the data.

By default, the data entry screen will display the name of the current standard above and below the input cell.

In this example, clicking Notes will allow you to enter a note for the standard B-75RB LENGTH.

  1. Click the Notes button or press F7 to display the Note and Corrective Action screen.

The normal Note and Corrective Action screen.


The Note and Corrective Action screen in PDA mode at 240 by 320 pixels.

  1. To enter a note, type your information in the Operator notes box.

After you save this note, anyone who edits views the note will be able to click the hyperlink at the bottom of the note, similar to the following example:

Both keywords (http: and file:) work the same way, although it is most typical to use http: when linking to a web address and file: when linking to a file on your network.


Most typical:

but this also works:






file:"L:\QA pix\sample 3102.gif"

http:"L:\QA pix\sample 3102.gif"



  1. After finishing your note, you may add event, cause, action taken, bypass, or anchor point information to this data subgroup. In PDA mode, this information can be entered on the CA tab.

  2. To close the Note and Corrective Action screen, click OK or press Enter.

Note:  If you are entering data for multiple standards in this data entry session, any notes that you enter in Data point alert notes, Subgroup alert notes, or Operator notes are stored only for this data subgroup under the standard listed at the top of the Note and Corrective Action screen.

These notes will not be copied to the data subgroups of other standards for which you are entering data in this session.