Accessing external data via the Clipboard

From the SPC Charts and Reports module, you can use the Windows Clipboard to access external data for GainSeeker analysis.  Several steps are needed to correctly read data from the Clipboard:

  1. Use the application best suited to your external data source to view a set of data and to copy it to the Windows Clipboard.  For examples, click here:

  2. In the SPC Charts and Reports module, click the File menu, point to External Data, and click Clipboard.
    The data you have copied to the Clipboard will be displayed on the External Data from Clipboard screen.

  3. Verify that the data to be analyzed is correctly displayed in the Data from clipboard box, as in the example below.

    If the data is not correctly displayed, use one or more of the following tools to correct the data:

  4. For GainSeeker to correctly analyze your data, you must identify the type of information in each relevant column.  At minimum, you must specify at least one Data column.  For more information, see Specifying column types.

    If any value in a Data column is missing, you should enter the asterisk character ( * ) for the missing value or just leave that value blank. Any other non-numeric values in this column will not allow this subgroup to be charted correctly.

  5. Set the Rows used to define one subgroup to the number of data rows that should be combined into one subgroup.  For more information, see Number of rows per subgroup.

  6. If one of the columns you specified is the Date/Time column, GainSeeker attempts to automatically determine the order of month, day and year in the specified dates.

    If the selected Regional format does not match the date/time stamps in your data, select the correct format from the Date order list.  Or if your date/time stamps are formatted in the GainSeeker format of "yyyymmddhhnnssxx", select this option.

  7. If you have not specified a column for Part Number, you must use the Part Number used if no column defined box to designate which standard to use.  You may either choose a standard that already exists or specify a name for a new temporary standard:

  8. After verifying your settings, click OK to proceed with data analysis.

  9. If you specified a name for a new temporary standard that does not yet exist, or if standards do not exist for some of the values in your Part Number column, you will be prompted to set any options you want for each temporary standard, including the subgroup size and specification limits.  For more information on setting these options, see Creating a new standard.  The temporary standards you set up will be available for use until the Charts and Reports module is closed.  After you have finished setting up the temporary standards, click OK.  

  10. A chart window for each standard is now displayed on the screen.  For instructions on analyzing this data, see Analyzing external data.



Example - analyzing individuals data as subgrouped data

Analyzing external data