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GainSeeker administrators and Python script designers rely on GainSeeker functions that access secure folders on the Internet.
If you routinely block application access to the Internet, you should whitelist the following folders for these GainSeeker users: : Python script libraries for GainSeeker. : Allows GainSeeker to verify whether a newer version is available.
GainSeeker products are designed for client/server networking environments.
Hertzler Systems also supports the use of GainSeeker in multisession application hosting environments such as Citrix and Windows Terminal Services. Special considerations apply when setting up GainSeeker to run correctly in these environments.
Hertzler Systems does not support the use of GainSeeker on peer-to-peer networks.
GainSeeker is installed with database tables stored on the Database Server and auxiliary files stored on a File Server. In some cases, one network server may perform both of these functions.
The Database Server is used to read and write records to GainSeeker tables in a database.
This depends on how often data records are written to and retrieved from the database. If automatic data collection is storing a subgroup every few seconds, a more powerful server will be necessary. If operators are entering a subgroup every few hours, you can probably get by with a less powerful server.
If the traffic on your network is too heavy, it may significantly increase the data storage and retrieval times for GainSeeker users. If you experience problems with database performance (i.e. the time it takes to store a data record or retrieve a small set of data records), you should consider ways to minimize the amount of traffic on your network. If this is not an option, consider upgrading the disk access speed on your Database Server.
A list of supported systems is available on the Hertzler Systems website.
The amount of hard drive space needed for the database will vary depending the amount of data being stored.
The initial database setup will take about 100 MB. This space is used to set up all the needed tables and allocate initial space for them.
A typical GainSeeker SPC data record is under 300 bytes. However, storing data with a subgroup size greater than eight or with information for traceability field seven or higher increases the storage size to 2250 bytes. If a note is entered for the subgroup, an additional 1950 bytes is stored.
Thus, one SPC data subgroup can occupy between 300 and 4200 bytes of disk space. Similarly, a DMS record will be between 480 and 2370 bytes.
A large number of standards can also take substantial disk space. for example, each SPC standard takes about 400 bytes.
Data Integrity and backup are also important issues with a Database Server. Typically, the Database Server is a very powerful computer with a large amount of RAM. It is highly recommended that you use a Raid Array hard drive system.
When using a Pervasive.SQL database, GainSeeker users need full rights (all except Supervisory rights) to any folder containing a Pervasive database file (*. dat). If you plan to use GS Analyze or GainSeeker Mobile Web Service, this also applies to a generic network user that GS Analyze or GainSeeker Mobile Web Service can use to access the GainSeeker data and supporting files on the network.
The File Server stores supporting files for user-customized GainSeeker functions.
GainSeeker only uses the File Server for minimal file I/O.
If your File Server is used only for GainSeeker programs, server hardware will not greatly affect program performance. Otherwise, the demands of other programs on the server and user expectations for performance will determine your server hardware needs.
GainSeeker users need full permissions (all except Supervisory rights) to the folders that contain supporting files. If you plan to use GS Analyze or GainSeeker Mobile Web Service, this also applies to a generic network user that GS Analyze or GainSeeker Mobile Web Service can use to access the GainSeeker data and supporting files on the network.
When installing GainSeeker Mobile Web Service or GS Analyze on your web server or intranet server, this server must meet the Workstation Requirements as well as the following:
GS Analyze and GainSeeker Mobile Web Service are designed for use on Microsoft Internet Information Systems (IIS). At this time, they are not compatible with other types of web server software.
GS Analyze also requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 to be installed on the web server or intranet server.
The hardware requirements for your web server or intranet server will depend on the anticipated number of GS Analyze users or GainSeeker Mobile Web Service users who may be logged in at the same time.
A list of supported systems is available on the Hertzler Systems website.
While Hertzler Systems can help you install and configure GS Analyze or GainSeeker Mobile Web Service, we cannot be responsible for setting up and troubleshooting your web server or intranet server (including networking and security issues).
For this reason, Hertzler Systems requires the following:
If you plan to install GS Analyze or GainSeeker Mobile Web Service on your web server, you must use an existing website (even if only one page) that can already be accessed from computers outside of your organization.
If you plan to install GS Analyze or GainSeeker Mobile Web Service on your intranet server, you must use an existing intranet server (even if only one page) that can already be accessed from computers inside your organization.
You must have an administrator who is responsible for maintaining and troubleshooting this web server or intranet server.